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  1. Q

    Just finished my box...anything I might have left out?

    Thanks guys for the heads up! I guess I've never really thought about bugs or pests in my house since it stays about -10 to -50 for 8 months out of the year but you guys are right, its better to be safe than sorry, especially it being my first rodeo. Again, thanks alot for the feedback.
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    Just finished my box...anything I might have left out?

    Thanks for the advice! I'm not sure I will run into this problem as I live in a VERY cold region and have never had any bugs of ANY sort in my house but I might do it anyway as a precaution....thanks again bud
  3. Q

    Just finished my box...anything I might have left out?

    I am almost ready to start my first grow and I think I might be done with my room so I would like some feedback on maybe anything I might have left out! I will be using the DWC method if that makes any difference on how my room should be set up... I have more CFL's to go in this room but I...
  4. Q

    Anyone in Alaska?

    Just wanted to say what's up from Alaska! Love reading the site on a daily basis! Anyone else live in Alaska?:leaf:
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    Better to ask than proceed without knowing...noob help please

    Thanks for the advice guys! I will wait another week or so
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    Better to ask than proceed without knowing...noob help please

    anyone? Trying to figure out how much the measurement is really killing me....i feel not only like a noob, but an intelligent idiot as well....
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    Better to ask than proceed without knowing...noob help please

    I have four seedlings that have been in soil for about a week now and I plan to transplant them to my DWC setup either today or tomorrow. I have rattled my brain about this damn nutrient solution and I guess I'm just too nervous to be confident about what I think is right, seeing is how this is...
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    Just planted the seed...questions

    Hey, thanks for the replies! I'm pretty excited as this is my first grow and once things really pick up, I'll start posting pics! Again, thanks for the quick replies
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    Just planted the seed...questions

    I just planted the first 2 seeds that cracked in a couple of plastic cups just to get some root structure before going hydro the rest of the way. How long does it usually take before I'll see a sprout break the surface? Should I be starting it on a 18/6 schedule or start with 24/0?
  10. Q

    Definition of NOOB lighting questions

    Honestly, I'm only going to start with 3 MAYBE 4 just to get a feel for things unless you guys think that's too many for my current/future setup. I'm constantly reading and trying to understand what needs to be done during the process, so I guess the answer is NO to your question b/c i'm still...
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    Definition of NOOB lighting questions

    Awesome, thanks! Once I get a little deeper into this project and little more familiar with this forum, I'm going to post pics as I go along.
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    Definition of NOOB lighting questions

    Well, now that I have paid for that I should be expecting it in a week or two(hopefully). I really should have come here earlier b/c I think that I am back on track and have the mindset now that I CAN do this...I just got out of the military and I've always loved to smoke pot and I figure I...
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    Definition of NOOB lighting questions

    lol, they are the same thing! ok, so should i go with the MH or HPS system? I'm growing hyrdoponically if that makes a difference as to which is better to use
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    Definition of NOOB lighting questions

    Thanks for the links guys! I was searching on Ebay (of course) and I wanted to know what you guys think about this particular product. This, combined with the shipping, is very affordable for me but I want to make sure its not some crap system. If this looks good to you guys, I'm buying it...
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    Definition of NOOB lighting questions

    I got this layout from another forum and the poster is "Stratlogic" here is a pic of his design and its basically what i was attempting to do as far his lighting sysem b/c it looked fairly simple until i got down to actually thinking about it lol i'm probably still going to go the ballast...
  16. Q

    Definition of NOOB lighting questions

    Well, considering I wouldn't even know what the price range would be for such things, I'm going to shoot for the cheapest but most effective way. I live in Alaska and I haven't really checked to see if there are any hydro shops around and it takes forever for stuff to get shipped so I guess...
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    Definition of NOOB lighting questions

    Nice tube! Honestly, as simple and plain as you have laid it out...I still would manage to screw it up :wall: Awesome work!
  18. Q

    Definition of NOOB lighting questions

    THANKS! I think my problem is solved and once the ol' Home Depot opens, I will drive my happy ass on over there and pick up a ballast :lol: So just so I am clear about this, if I go and pick up a ballast, it should be kind of a "plug and play" type deal meaning I can just drop that bad boy in...
  19. Q

    Definition of NOOB lighting questions

    Thanks for the advice! I will keep that in mind when I get more of an idea of what I actually need to do. While I appreciate your quick and helpful advice, I think you might be missing the root of my question or it might be my fault for not asking it right.... Lets say I have the HID lights...
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    Definition of NOOB lighting questions

    Wow! Quick responses! I knew this was the right place to ask this question. Ok, I am going to attempt to attach some pics of the box as of right now. I have the all panels cut but I'm waiting until I get the mylar tomorrow to attach all of them so that's why the frame looks really bare. I really...