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  1. JonAK47

    8 weeks AK47 - ur 2 cents?

    cheers mate! i just changed the timer to 20/4, i heard it's better to easy the plant into the 12/12 cycle slowly (20/4, 18/6, 12/12). tried LST for the 1st time, check out the pics & let me know how i've done.. as for the bigger pot, i just transplanted into the current one last week (it's 8...
  2. JonAK47

    8 weeks AK47 - ur 2 cents?

    thanx Dontae, i actually don't have the money lol.. and i can't get my electricity bill up to high as it may rise up questions ;-) this is why i'm using CFL.. how many lumens u reckon i should have? i don't want it to get too big, i got limited space in my closet (1.5-2 meters high tops)
  3. JonAK47

    8 weeks AK47 - ur 2 cents?

    yep, roughly 8 weeks.. it took awhile for the seed to catch on..
  4. JonAK47

    8 weeks AK47 - ur 2 cents?

    slim83, how much more light do i need to get? keep in mind i'm trying to keep it compact, i don't have much room for a big plant (1.5-2 meters tops).. as for nutes, i don't use em'.. keepin' it organic ;-)
  5. JonAK47

    8 weeks AK47 - ur 2 cents?

    5000 lumens isn't enough? as for the moment i use 3X32w white Day Light CFL. as for flowering do i need to change the type of bulbs? for instance to a different color spectrum? cheers :-)
  6. JonAK47

    8 weeks AK47 - ur 2 cents?

    so u reckon I should change cycle now? how should I do it? some say u need to put in dark for 24h before, is it true? or do I just start the cycle normally 20/4 or 18/6? would appreciate other thoughts.. cheers! happy growing :peace:
  7. JonAK47

    8 weeks AK47 - ur 2 cents?

    would appreciate ur 2 cents guys.. my indoor AK47 plant is approx 8 weeks old from seed (as far as i know not feminized). just transplanted it into bigger medium and added 2 more 32W CFL bulbs (now it gets 3X32W, all in all about 5000 lumens) 5 days ago. it seems to be adapting alright with...
  8. JonAK47

    Keeping it Small & Simple!

    Hey guys, so I was expecting getting some heat for that one.. :fire: Can't say I blame any of you for doubting, but surprisingly it does actually works! :grin: Stomper420, I'm 26 and I live alone (I can see your point though). The thing is, where I live it's very important being extra cautious...
  9. JonAK47

    Keeping it Small & Simple!

    Hey guys, thanks for the replies.. Sand4x105; That would be a cotton sock.. It actually works perfect.. The root system grows beautifully.. The only problem is that the roots are coming out through the sock, but I figure I could just transplant it with the sock later. Or would cause a...
  10. JonAK47

    Keeping it Small & Simple!

    Hey guys, Haven't been here in ages and once again I would really appreciate your advice. I was wondering what is the best way to grow indoor AK47 and keeping it as small as possible? Keep in mind I'm on a very light budget. I know some of you believe it's a waste and ain't worth the time but...
  11. JonAK47

    Help - 5 Weeks old plant dying thanks to a heatwave!

    cheers guys, thanks for all your tips.. unfortunately i had to say farewell to my 6 weeks old plant.. :( first time grow and unsuccessfully.. i reckon the climate conditions out here are just too rough for this plant at this time of year, even though it is just a weed.. i'll definitely try again...
  12. JonAK47

    Help - 5 Weeks old plant dying thanks to a heatwave!

    thanks guys for your thoughts. i'll try to re-transplanting it into new soil and water it less. unfortunately i don't have the privilege to grow it indoors at the moment, i live in a dorms so it's kinda problematic this way. the AC was just a temporary solution for that day only. do you guys...
  13. JonAK47

    Help - 5 Weeks old plant dying thanks to a heatwave!

    Thanks WTXgreenery. I can't water the plant every other day cause it's so hot and dry out here. Even though I watered the plant today by tomorrow the soil would be as dry as the desert. The soil is a standard soil you can get from the florists. The plant is grown outdoors so i don't use any...
  14. JonAK47

    Help - 5 Weeks old plant dying thanks to a heatwave!

    Damn it! My plant is dying! :cry: I think it's this freakin heatwave that's been killing it. For that past week and a half (before I transplanted it) the bottom leave were getting dry and falling of but it wasn't too bad since new one were growing in a crazy rapid. As of today all the leave...
  15. JonAK47

    Preflowering Q

    so u guys reckon i got a month till she (hopefully) shows me anything? btw i think my plant is in trouble. i transplanted it last saturday into a bigger medium and the leaves keep on dying. it keeps on growing, and new leaves are growing but the old ones dry up and die. is that normal?? i mean...
  16. JonAK47

    Preflowering Q

    quick question, does anybody know at what age i should start noticing preflowering signs on my AK47 outdoor grow? thanks in advance
  17. JonAK47

    Help! First Time AK47 Outdoor Grower Asks for Tips

    cheers mate for the quick response, damn u guys are fast :) i'll do that, do u have any other pointers for me at this stage? am i doing alright? what about the climate, is it suitable for AK47 grow?
  18. JonAK47

    Help! First Time AK47 Outdoor Grower Asks for Tips

    hey there guys! i stumbled upon this site and it seems awesome, a lot of stoners who knows what they talk about. anyways i'm a first time grower so hopefully you guys could help me out. Info: i started growing two AK47 bagseed plants. germination took couple of days (3-4). plantation occurred...