Search results

  1. J

    Looky what I found [Cab grow]

    I pick it up tomorrow and I am very excited to start my cab construction. The measurements are Width-40.5" Height-35" Depth-24". It is a bit smaller then what I intended to build-but for free..I can't go wrong. I hope to be able to have a 2-3 flowing, in one compartment, 2-3 of it's...
  2. J

    Ordering Suppilies? Questions need answers please

    I have been taking all the precautions I know of to cover my tracks and make sure that my small personal grow will be hard to trace to me. Most of my construction material including lights fans and growing containers can be bought locally. As far as I know there are no available hydro shops in...
  3. J

    PC FAN QUESTION? +rep for help

    Do what I plan on doing, use a PC power supply (PSU). There are all sorts of tutorials on the web on testing/cheating out PSU's. If I recall and don't quote me you cheat the green and black plugs on the 24 pin connector to start the PSU. Google it you will fin what you need. But in mean time I...
  4. J

    Please give me a crash course on CO2 usage

    Great advice, thank you! A few questions: 1) I have no intention of using a controller/regulator/flowmeter but rather a homemade yeast/sugar set that will release the CO2 from a separate compartment directly via fan into where the flowering is. I feel any CO2 is better then none. Do you think...
  5. J

    Organics vs. chem-will the quality differ?

    Wow, this sounds like great advice. I will start searching for some articles on it. Know of any to help prime the pump?
  6. J

    Please give me a crash course on CO2 usage

    Well I was planning a cheap homemade system like Rhyspect suggested. I was thinking since 'yes' you are somewhat defeating the purpose of having co2 when you are ventilating out. I will need to ventilate since the cab will have 4 separate compartments (all link in the ventilation process) One of...
  7. J

    Please give me a crash course on CO2 usage

    If I were to go with CO2 what are my restrictions.? Can I use it in a cab grow? When is CO2 used in the growing process, only during flowering, or veg/clone as well. The reason I ask is if were able to do a CO2 unit in a cab grow I would have no way to keep the CO2 from infiltrating my veg...
  8. J

    Orders to the US, Any Worries Here?

    What are you using. I have very poor consistency with proxys. I use Auto Hide IP sometimes and that works only sometimes. It too can switch every 10 minutes (or whatever amount of time) The pages will never load giving a error or they take FOOOOOREVER to load.
  9. J

    Orders to the US, Any Worries Here?

    I know man I never take offense easily. :peace:
  10. J

    Orders to the US, Any Worries Here?

    Wow, it's great to see I am still getting great replies on this question. I will check this place out. Thanks!
  11. J

    Orders to the US, Any Worries Here?

    Hey, where's the love? We're all here supposed to support are lifestyle of Gods gift of herb! bongsmilie
  12. J

    Orders to the US, Any Worries Here?

    Thank you everyone for you speedy replies. I cannot wait to get my little project started! :joint:
  13. J

    Orders to the US, Any Worries Here?

    My bad-edited. I meant mainly seeds.
  14. J

    Orders to the US, Any Worries Here?

    Anything thing I should be cautious on here when ordering seeds or supplies (mainly seeds). What is the best recommended place to place orders. I will do my part here and send to alias house and use a pre-paid Visa. But who is the best most secure/reliable place to order from?
  15. J

    I see a seed order in my future...advice please

    Thanks for the input. I have been giving myself a crash course over that last few months. :leaf:
  16. J

    I see a seed order in my future...advice please

    I am months from beginning my first grow project. I have been learning soooo much here. I have my mind set on a stealth cab set up big enough for 2-3 plants. I am still on the fence with whether to go soil or a DWC hydro setup. I have been trying to decided on the best strains to start with...
  17. J

    Organics vs. chem-will the quality differ?

    Simple question really. If I grow organic will my potency go up or down, or will it not make a difference? Also while on the subject: on average what's the price difference with organic vs. chemicals?
  18. J

    1st grow: Going with a stealh cab: Advice needed

    That's awesome. I'll check out the link. What's the outside dimensions of you box? Thanks for the speedy reply.
  19. J

    1st grow: Going with a stealh cab: Advice needed

    EDIT: I should add it will be a all in one grow cab. Mother/Clone/Veg/flower & dry when not being used to grow I was planning on building a dedicated room in my basement that could double as a over sized storage closet in it's off season. It took only 3 hours of researching some great cabs...
  20. J

    Anyway i can reduce smell without carbon filter?

    Sorry don't mean to thread hijack but these forums don't seem to have issue with such intrusions :joint: I am sure you all rather help all who ask :peace:. So my question is I think this ONA stuff should actually solve the one thing holding me back from starting my own personal grow. I now have...