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  1. drybiedog

    My First Grow Room - Seed to Bud

    Kinky, the bushiest of the bunch took one for the team this morning. I used his 5 gallon pail for Rudy (who is much obliged). Kinky has been in the big bucket for a long time and although there was quite a bit of rootage on the bottom of his root ball I'm not sure that it qualifies as...
  2. drybiedog

    ICURBYOUs WhiteWidow CFL dresser growbox

    ha. say hi to your girl's mom for me.
  3. drybiedog

    My First Grow Room - Seed to Bud

    As far as I can tell after 5 days of flowering: Biggie: Female Smally: Not showing yet, but looking male until calyx emerges Rudy: Female Buddy: Female Scarlett: Female Fitz: Female Chuckles: Female Kinky: Looking quite male but I still have hope. Pretty happy about the results although I...
  4. drybiedog

    AK-47 Fall/Winter Attic Grow 2008

    curious about the cannabis cup. hope you are taking notes.
  5. drybiedog

    ICURBYOUs WhiteWidow CFL dresser growbox

    chicken wire! I say go for a mini-Scrog! Do it! Too many exclamation marks i know (!)
  6. drybiedog

    AK-47 Fall/Winter Attic Grow 2008

    maybe a pin hole in 2 litre bottle? how long are you gone for? the 1000 watter makes a big difference. nice grow.
  7. drybiedog

    2008-10-19 . . . . Day 01 . . . . bagseed

    those guys are super-stretchy but seem to be enjoying life.
  8. drybiedog

    ICURBYOUs WhiteWidow CFL dresser growbox

    I'm seeing urchins already! Your top is looking very close to the bulb. What are your plans?
  9. drybiedog

    My First Grow Room - Seed to Bud

    Well, I've flipped 'em to twelves. I've taken two clones per plant and put them under 24/7 fluoros in the 24 degree heated veg room and 8 plants now sit in the bloom room with day temps at 24-30 and night temps falling to 16-20. The interesting part of this post is the DIY CO2 machine. The...
  10. drybiedog

    My First Grow Room - Seed to Bud

    I don't mind. The more bikinis on my thread the better.
  11. drybiedog

    My First Grow Room - Seed to Bud

    Trapper, how long into flowering can i safely take a clone?
  12. drybiedog

    My First Grow Room - Seed to Bud

    That's nothing - I've now put a spiral staircase going up the outside of the super-structure. .....geek! oh well, gotta give the kid something to play with whilst cloning.
  13. drybiedog

    My First Grow Room - Seed to Bud

    Before flowering I decided to take a couple clones from each plant. I ran out of time though so I didn't get to clone Kinky - I'll get to it in the morning. Some nice pics of the plants at 45 days. Notice the oil rad in the foreground of the pic keeping things toasty. Not sure how to drop to...
  14. drybiedog

    My First Grow Room - Seed to Bud

    I wan't to drop into twelves but I've had to wait to sort out temps. It seems that when it is 4 degrees Celsius outside the room gets really hot (34!) but it sits at a nice 27 when it is -4. Also without the light (heat source) for 6 hours overnight the room drops to 14 degrees. I've rigged up a...
  15. drybiedog

    ICURBYOUs WhiteWidow CFL dresser growbox

    couple more ideas: 1. transplant yet again in another 5 gallon, not a vertical cylinder but a rubbermaid box, rectangular and super wide but not super deep. or...some major l.s.t. looking good but I agree that the space issue is pressing.
  16. drybiedog

    look at what i did with a plastic drinks bottle

    you need some narration dude
  17. drybiedog

    Read This First!

    move your fluorescent from 10 inches to 1 inch. Your plants need light!
  18. drybiedog

    My First Grow Room - Seed to Bud

    Thanks. Didn't know that. my light and ballast from ebay had no instructions. Temps working out perfectly. 80F day (high), 65, night (low). At least for now. problem is sometimes its -30 outside here in the dead of winter. cross that bridge...
  19. drybiedog

    My First Grow Room - Seed to Bud

    widened the exhaust today. I was narrowing the 4 inch to a 2 inch hole through the house. The room was getting too hot so I tried cutting a new hole, 4 inches leaving two 2-inch holes as passive intake. hopefully it doesn't get too cold at night. why the jumbo cfl you ask? because after my...
  20. drybiedog

    ICURBYOUs WhiteWidow CFL dresser growbox

    fan leaves power the bud growth.