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  1. B

    Temp Issues

    Okay. So have an exhaust duct going out of the room or intake, or both?
  2. B

    Temp Issues

    Okay I was planning on to exhaust fans for my tent, one for the light and one for the tent, with a passive intake to the light hood. If I do that will I be able to keep temps down? My 400w light reflector is a piece of shit no hood or air cooling technology I guess I'll have to buy a new one...
  3. B

    FIRST GROW: Jack 47, Pineapple Express, Blueberry Gum

    Okay end of week one. They look pretty healthy with the exception of the BBG. She has some yellow speckling on her leaves. They all seem to be curling a little, but that might just be me. I'm still in a battle with room temps right now, but I'm trying to get that under control. PE and J47 look...
  4. B

    Temp Issues

    No takers, huh?
  5. B

    Temp Issues

    Ever since I kicked on my 400w CMH light I've been having trouble keeping temps in my closet down. I've gotten them down to 84 with the door open and three fans blowing on it. Ideally though I want to find a solution where I can close the door. I lined the walls with Mylar so I'm thinking that...
  6. B

    FIRST GROW: Jack 47, Pineapple Express, Blueberry Gum

    I raised the lights and got temps down to 82. Theres only like 16 more inches I can raise my lights. I'm starting to think heat is going to be a big issue. In a 60"x60"x78" tent, is a 1000w light going to be to hard to control temperature wise? Am I better off going with a 600w?
  7. B

    FIRST GROW: Jack 47, Pineapple Express, Blueberry Gum

    Yeah the PE is really taking off. I've got three fans in there now and managed to get the temps down to 90, still pretty high though. I was thinking about maybe taking down all of the Mylar lining the walls. I feel like it's a really good insulator /reflector of heat along with light. I'd loose...
  8. B

    FIRST GROW: Jack 47, Pineapple Express, Blueberry Gum

    No takers, huh? Well I guess I'll give this a bump and smoke some of this black cherry soda. Very tastey, never seen it before:joint:
  9. B

    FIRST GROW: Jack 47, Pineapple Express, Blueberry Gum

    I turned on the 400w MH yesterday and man does that thing put off some serious heat! Even with it 3 feet above my plants, a fan blowing on them, and my closet door open I can't seem to bring temps down under 100. Is this too hot? Will it bake my plants? Any ideas on how to bring temps down?
  10. B

    FIRST GROW: Jack 47, Pineapple Express, Blueberry Gum

    I have a tendency to over water my plants(although this is my first time growing pot, I've done a lot of other gardening in the past. I've also owned and cared for serveral bonsai's) so drainage is key. I'm also hoping its going to be easier to take control of the nutrients the plant is...
  11. B

    FIRST GROW: Jack 47, Pineapple Express, Blueberry Gum

    This is my first grow! I have a feeling I might have gotten myself in a bit over my head but I'm prepared to work hard to make this work! My set-up is two shelves in my closet for veg under a 400w CMH light for on one shelf and a bunch of CFL's for the other. I have 3 85w and 6 45w daylight...
  12. B

    Is this soil mix OK?

    So I should wait at least three weeks?
  13. B

    Is this soil mix OK?

    Okay when should I start feeding? I read 3 weeks is best for FFOF but I figure since it's 50%perlite/coco it might need to be sooner. I'm planning on going with ff trio but I am a total noob so I'm very open to suggestion.
  14. B

    Is this soil mix OK?

    Okay thanks
  15. B

    Is this soil mix OK?

    I already mixed it with the soil. Should I still flush?
  16. B

    Is this soil mix OK?

    And thank you!
  17. B

    Is this soil mix OK?

    Okay so I just let a few gallons of water run through it before I plant? I'm planting in solo cups.
  18. B

    Is this soil mix OK?

    My seeds are Germing right now. Once they pop I'm going to put them in a root riot plug and insert it in soil. My mix for the seedling is 50% FFOF, 20% perlite, 30% cocogro. Is this mix alright? Once i transplant them to their bigger pots I plan on doing 40%FFOF, 10% Azomite, 20% perlite, 10%...
  19. B

    400w Grow. Should I SCOG?

    Going to the hydro store today to get some coco products for my soil mix. Also thinking about some azomite. I need to pick up a few other things anyways. I was having problems with really low humidity(low of 16%) so I went out and bought a humidifier at walmart. The set-ups starting to look more...
  20. B

    400w Grow. Should I SCOG?

    I've been looking into coco. Seems pretty legit. I just don't know much about it so I am hesitant with using it(especially for my first grow). If you could give me some more info on it (like how much to use and what it does to benefit the plant) or give me a few links to some thread on it that'd...