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  1. bnoc450

    dammm need help asap

    any one else?
  2. bnoc450

    dammm need help asap

    ok so my growbox is pretty small (13 inches long by 10 inches wide by 16 inches high). I started off from seed and now my seeds are in jiffy pots under a humidity dome. I plant on only making seeds from my plants. My question is i want to veg for a while before i go into flowering and i got a...
  3. bnoc450

    i have a 2 week old plant its 4 1/2 inchs tall and skinny?

    not how much a day, more like how much a week
  4. bnoc450

    high yield plants

    PPP or big bud
  5. bnoc450

    140,000 lumens vs 145,000 lumens bulbs

    probably why you dont get much out of your crops
  6. bnoc450

    how to install the fan???

    dam that easy, thx alot
  7. bnoc450

    how to install the fan???

    i got a brand new computer case fan and i need to know how to plug it into an outlet.
  8. bnoc450

    how long can i keep a plant in veg under a 23w cfl?

    u gonna need 6500k rating for veg.
  9. bnoc450

    how long can i keep a plant in veg under a 23w cfl?

    make sure you buy the right color cfls
  10. bnoc450

    My 2nd Time Grow, With CFL's

    your plants are looking real good, im impressed i thought u wouldent grow shit
  11. bnoc450

    What lights to use

    hwo big is your grow room? how many plantas you wish to have? and no dont listen to the other guy 400watts might not be enough for you
  12. bnoc450

    lowering temprature/raising RH

    is that even a question? and for the ac if you dont already have a fan get one in there, it will lower heat in your grow room and benefit the plants
  13. bnoc450

    blue/red mylar [wrapping paper] thoughts/questions

    how many times u gonna post this?
  14. bnoc450

    wrapping paper as mylar substitute, blue/red paper?

    even if he does try it there is no way to know if the light is turning blue....
  15. bnoc450

    wrapping paper as mylar substitute, blue/red paper?

    use the silver side and get blue cfl for veg there cheap and will be worth it
  16. bnoc450

    Questions on cfl veg/flower

    for the cfls look for the kelvin rating, should be something like 6000k or 4800k i dont remember wich ones r for flower and veg sry
  17. bnoc450

    Quick Question Guys

    im not 100% sure but 120v should be the normal outlet u find throughout your house
  18. bnoc450

    dont want to lose my strain

    id like to know how to make seeds to, another way would be to switch your lighting from 12/12 to 5.5(dark)1(light)5.5(dark)12(light). that way the female plant becomes a hermie and self pollinates wich should give out all female seeds according to the growfaq. Also u can just clone your female?
  19. bnoc450

    quick germing question..

    y add a shitload of water to then remove it, just add enough