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  1. kendothegreenwizard

    Arizona law about ethnic classes

    You play games instead of actual debate. How terribly sad that is. Again I pointed out that La Raza coupled with Brown Power and Brown seperatism is the post I made and yet you keeep working your way back to one aspect,"La Raza" I will acquiesce to your disingenuous tactic of defelecting the...
  2. kendothegreenwizard

    Bill targets citizenship of terrorist allies

    I agree with much of what you say.
  3. kendothegreenwizard

    Bill targets citizenship of terrorist allies

    I agree with your assessment
  4. kendothegreenwizard

    Arizona law about ethnic classes

    I thought we were playing games, If you can't recognize the apparent sarcasm in my saying you were from Massachusetts then you are definitely not paying any attention at all. You play on La raza and skirt the Separatist and Brown power portions of my post. that is how you spin obviously. La...
  5. kendothegreenwizard

    Ground Zero Mosque

    Skyscrapers are cool. I love to go to the top of em and hang over the edge. As far as the Mosque is concerned. I could care less if they build a mosque. Same with churches and synagogues. More power to em. I don't do rel;igion but hold no grudge against those who do, as long as they don't...
  6. kendothegreenwizard

    Soaring Health Insurance Profits

    Right here is where I do believe you posted that profits were 31% higher. Q1 Profits were up on average 31% in 2010 as compared to 2009 (which were already record profits) for 5 Major Insurance Companies - Humana, WellPoint, Aetna, UnitedHealth, and Cigna.
  7. kendothegreenwizard

    Global MOMS act

    As sad as it makes me to say it I agree with nodrama. We are beyond the population sustainable by this planet
  8. kendothegreenwizard

    Arizona law about ethnic classes

    With that final statement you truly reach the pinnacle of foolish posts. If you have not recognoized that La raza, Brown power and brown supremacy has no place in the classroom then you are beyond any hope of reaching. I am constantly amazed at how many people are so polarized within their...
  9. kendothegreenwizard

    Soaring Health Insurance Profits

    Really what you are advocating is an end to capitalism worldwide. That is in fact a beautiful dream. Unrealistic, but beautiful nonetheless.
  10. kendothegreenwizard

    Arizona law about ethnic classes

    Troll is as troll does. Your input was less than stellar and so I would venture that AMF is in order.
  11. kendothegreenwizard

    Soaring Health Insurance Profits

    Blindly engage? I am blind because I do not agree with your positions? This is the hypocrisy. That I must be blind becuse I do not agree with you. I feed and help because that is my nature. i also disagree with your position on welfare because self help is also my nature. Those who cannot help...
  12. kendothegreenwizard

    Arizona law about ethnic classes

    Way too many. Separation of church and state is the cornerstone of our democracy. Kudos.
  13. kendothegreenwizard

    Soaring Health Insurance Profits

    Mr Kush. Do not get me wrong. I am a giver. I feed the homeless, I give much of my herb to the needy, I help seniors with free computer classes and spend time as a grandson to those without. I do not feel that welfare is totally wrong as in the case of your brother who needs a helping hand for...
  14. kendothegreenwizard

    Ground Zero Mosque

    I am not against Islam, only radical Islam and Islamic revolution.
  15. kendothegreenwizard

    Arizona law about ethnic classes

    Now you go from Banning classes to some other bent. You were wrong about classes being banned and instead of admitting you were wrong you attempt to defect by insinuating something else. Again, if you failed to read what was so plainly written. These classes are not being banned, they are not...
  16. kendothegreenwizard

    Arizona law about ethnic classes

    Further!! You point out the fallicy of media hype. I too look at the hype machine that is Media. The media is a double edged sword and one need look as closely at the edge that we agree with. You seem to look at the other edge without regard to the other. The media fascination with the teaprty...
  17. kendothegreenwizard

    Arizona law about ethnic classes

    You are also a victim of the soundbite mentality. Had you payed further attention rather than listening to the pablum fed you, you would understand that these courses are still going to be taught! They are not Banned as the liberal media would have you believe. They are simply not going to be...
  18. kendothegreenwizard

    Arizona law about ethnic classes

    WOW! when one cannot refute the obvious logic then just bury your head and say fuck it?
  19. kendothegreenwizard

    Arizona law about ethnic classes

    Doing who's kids a favor? How does teaching ethnic superiority do anyone a favor?
  20. kendothegreenwizard

    Arizona law about ethnic classes

    More name calling. Retards, doucebags, republican whiteboys. As far as the courses. It appeears you are working with soundbites from editorials opposed to this law. Lets take a closer look at the How's and Why's such a law would be enacted. Please take a minute to actually think about what is...