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  1. kendothegreenwizard

    The Case Against Fox News.

    Faux news is the same as Bsnbc and CoNN all are media hacks.
  2. kendothegreenwizard

    The Case Against Fox News.

    typical response from a typical know nothing. Do you often trunmpet the fact that you wish to remain ignorant? I am sure you do not see the irony in wishing to know nothing about that which you speak so loudly about!
  3. kendothegreenwizard

    Soaring Health Insurance Profits

    We are not talking about 80% of the world as you say now are we. We are talking about Americans and fast food and unhealthy diets, Stay on track here pal! Typical attitude from a typical leftist. I don't agree with your bullshit propaganda and so I am obviously a person of stature and wealth, a...
  4. kendothegreenwizard

    The Case Against Fox News.

    Assertation is a mistype. Insert ASSertion in it's stead.
  5. kendothegreenwizard

    The Case Against Fox News.

    Ya? and where did you observe this at? Bsnbc? Bill Maher or any number of other media hack organizations. I was of the same attitude as you towards the teaparty. Then I did some research of my own and found out that the potrayal of the teaparty was pure media hackery. They are not just a bunch...
  6. kendothegreenwizard

    The Case Against Fox News.

    If the teaparty is so angry then show me any violence perpetrated by the teaparty to prove your allegations. Your use of the word obtuse is quite ironic considering you are exhibiting some seriously obtuse ASSertations.
  7. kendothegreenwizard

    The Case Against Fox News.

    You would probably call the black teaparty members Uncle tom then. You sound quite ignorant with your personifications straight out of the left leaning media hacks mouths. It is quite obvious you know nothing about the teaparty.
  8. kendothegreenwizard

    Soaring Health Insurance Profits

    are you kidding me?!? you really are seriously trying to place the blame on others by implying it is cheaper to eat the dollar menu at mcdogalds or taco smells. Bullshit! It costs more to feed your family the dollar menu and I can prove it. I have a family of 4, 2 teenage boys my wife and...
  9. kendothegreenwizard

    The Insanity of the Left

    I think you missed the entire point of what I said and posted what you had rolling through your brain instead of addressing the Sociopath debate I presented?!? The far left shows a violent streak that would silence any dissent as exhibited in so many violent encounters with Minutemen...
  10. kendothegreenwizard

    Arizona law about ethnic classes

    What are you talking about. It was quite difficult to decipher exactly what you are getting at from the jumbled way you present your post???? So you think the genes??? Who's great grandfather? Mine? You are speaking BS if you say my great grandfathers. My great grandfathers had Not one thing to...
  11. kendothegreenwizard

    Arizona law about ethnic classes

    IMHO any course that promotes one race above another is not to be tolerated. Race distinction is for the home, not the school. If one wishes to learn about the heritage of their ancestors then they should research and I say Kudos to them, However... Mexican heritage, African heritage classes...
  12. kendothegreenwizard

    Soaring Health Insurance Profits

    IMHO the fingre pointing at the Insurance companies as the BADGUY is more of the same ole," It's everyome elses responsibility but MY OWN". This as well as blaming the food industry for the Obese, unhealthy nature of Americans is to blame someone else for your own choices. If you choose to to...
  13. kendothegreenwizard

    The Case Against Fox News.

    It is also used quite often by Rachel Maddow in response to Teaparty rallys as a means to auto-discredit their agenda and platform.
  14. kendothegreenwizard

    Glenn Beck Hates Education

    Public education is the downfall of America. All one need do is take a realistic look at the level of IQ that we have fallen to as a nation. We are becoming a nation of ignorant, self serving gluttons. Fat and lazy individuals who look to the goverment for everything from education to retirement.
  15. kendothegreenwizard

    Republican or Democrat?

    Democrat Repulican Conservative Liberal Right Left All a divisive tactic to keep us at odds. Divide and conquer.
  16. kendothegreenwizard

    The Case Against Fox News.

    What do you really know about the teaparty? Well besides the pablum you have been fed by Bsnbc or the other left leaning media hacks. I see that you use a Rachel Maddow quote," Astroturf" in place of Grassroots which gives me an idea of where you got your views. I watch Faux news, bsnbc...
  17. kendothegreenwizard

    The Insanity of the Left

    And just exactly how much longer is SS going to be viable. I have payed into SS my whole life and by the time I retire there will more than likely not be enough money for my retirement. As far as the holier than thou crap! save it. You should have been planning for your retirement, I am! What...
  18. kendothegreenwizard

    The Insanity of the Left

    I have found that the Far left is the very definition of Sociopath as defined by Brutal. I have views that span the spectrum. I do not support Amnesty and as soon as I speak out against it I am labeled a racist, xenophobic latinophobe by those on the left. I have participated in Youtube...
  19. kendothegreenwizard

    The Insanity of the Left

    We have many socialist organizations here and many of the ones who decry the socialist agenda would be in line for their dole. Here is a list of ones I consider worthy Medicare Police Fire fighting Fish and GAme EPA Veterans Affairs These are all well and good IMHO, here is alist of socialist...
  20. kendothegreenwizard

    The Insanity of the Left

    Listen up you old Macack monkey. You are soooo old you don't even remember what erectile function was when you go to the Zoo, the monkeys throw bannanas at you. I missed you, you old fucker and so I decided to join, and blamed it on you. LOL Imagine my dissapointment when I got here to find...