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  1. D

    Dont think so, I thought it was just like a personal setting to allow PM's

    Dont think so, I thought it was just like a personal setting to allow PM's
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    Ventilation VS Air Cooled Lights?

    Yes that would work, wouldnt be perfect but would work. I would suggest adding some ducting to the open end so the heat wont just shoot off the bulb and into the open. I think the main reason people seal them off is so they dont have to filter the air from the cooltube to get rid of smell.
  3. D

    Hi dude i was wondering if i could ask ya a couple questions but would rather not do it on this...

    Hi dude i was wondering if i could ask ya a couple questions but would rather not do it on this thingy if you dont mind me asking them. Any chance you could open up for PMs?
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    My Weed Box Help

    Don't use tin foil its bad. Creates heat spots more than anything. The tape and bag are in all probability not a fire hazard but they are not ideal. White emulsion I believe is better than foil and probably cheap. Have a browse though here for more DIY stuff...
  5. D

    Best place to get a MH/HPS Light?

    Buy a 1000w and then scrog the shit out of it :D
  6. D

    Ventilation VS Air Cooled Lights?

    You must have an exhaust fan. The intake can be passive but exhaust is a must. Plants need CO2, so you need to get new air into the growing environment at periodic times. Your room is just over 18 square foot. Now how often the air in the room needs to be changed varies between who you...
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    I think my foots broke..

    you are sounding like a bit of a douche tbh
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    Religion Has Done More Bad Than Good

    Well now you have just insulted me. Congratulations. What would we have to discuss to look at all points of view? Its true we have mainly focused on Christianity but that should not matter to much in regards to the topic at hand. And why must we discuss famous philosophers to make our...
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    Will these buds ever thicken up

    Depends on trichs man. But ye at least 2 weeks.
  10. D

    Expert help needed please.

    I cant see any pics, and I'm not an expert. But will try to help anyway. If its the cotyledons you are referring to that are dying it depends on if there are other leafs. If the cotyledons are the only leafs on the plant and they are dying then that's bad. If there are more 'true' leafs...
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    Possible MG Def?

    Well pics would help. If it is mg deficiency then Epsom salts or Cal-Mag are what you need. Check the growFAQ: for more info. Edit: Taken from GrowFAQ: " Magnesium Chlorophyll has the same structure as...
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    Will these buds ever thicken up

    They will swell have faith. I like the ganja narnia
  13. D

    Reddish/Purple Petioles...?

    First let me say that plant doesnt look that bad atm. Looks prity healthy in fact. Agree with above posted about the black dots, what are they? As far as the purpling and the light green looks to be a Nitrogen def. Using molasses might not have solved it if so. A proper fertiliser might be...
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    It sounds like it is a hermi and it pollinated itself. Hmm there is i think another explanation but i couldnt say for sure. Are you sure they are seeds? Can you take pics? You should check for male pollen sacs and also check your other plants for similar symptoms. There is probably nothing...
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    Religion Has Done More Bad Than Good

    You sir are incorrect. Taken from wikipedia: "A bigot is a person who is obstinately and irrationally, often intolerantly, devoted to his or her own religion, political party, organization, belief, or opinion, especially one who regards or treats those of differing devotion with hatred and...
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    I think my foots broke..

    .................... O.o
  17. D

    I think my foots broke..

    I probably don't need to say this but maybe you should go get it checked out?
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    as much as we disapprove of what LEO does ................

    Having the constant risk of getting raped/shanked/beaten every hour of the day for the rest of your life is a prity bad punishment too i reckons.
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    as much as we disapprove of what LEO does ................

    I was thinking, the reason cops are so nervous and shoot people is because people carry guns and shoot them. Its LEGAL to own a gun. That to me is fucking nuts. What do you expect if every pissed off person can just pick up a gun and go vent their rage on the first person they see. The hate...
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    SoG Grow Room Discussion

    Is there a difference in taste or smell of smoke though if organic nutes have been used? Or 'Organic Based' Nutrients.