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  1. Lamamonster

    8 Days old

    It probally got to hot for the plant HPS's are pretty hot. umm Idk let me think and do some research :S
  2. Lamamonster

    8 Days old

    AHh HPS.. umm if i dont think it would if you keep them cool enough. get a thomemter with a probe and put it right by the plants tell you the temp of the soil and the plants pretty much.
  3. Lamamonster

    Does this look normal to you?

    My Plan is to make a smily face right now just to try it it should be pretty PIMP~~~
  4. Lamamonster

    Fan problems

    My fan moves alot of air thro my box. So much air that it moves my sprout is this bad...?? any thoughts??
  5. Lamamonster

    8 Days old

    My Lights are seriously 1 to 2 Inches from the plant and i'm only watering the roots til it gets bigger then i will spray and water roots :D. and i have mine set at 18 hours of light to 6 hours of dark. Dark is when the roots grow the most. and its kinda less stressful on the plant so i have...
  6. Lamamonster

    Brown spots?? Help

    O thanks. makes since actually!!! I hvae a another question if you can answer it. My intake fan moves alot of air in the box. it moves the sprout around is that bad?? or is it ok??
  7. Lamamonster

    yellow/heat spots

    Like Regs. lol Non Chrono? is reggi. but yea i kno wha you mean did the same....
  8. Lamamonster

    Does this look normal to you?

    I was thinking about Low Stress training mine :D :D make a sic design out of my sprout just to try it :P wha ya think?:weed:
  9. Lamamonster

    Does this look normal to you?

    Put them back inbetween. that seems to be doing best for me right now.:weed:Hmmmmmm Try that and let me know??
  10. Lamamonster

    Does this look normal to you?

    only bad thing is have to have a seperate thing for humidity :( :( but the soil and everything in my box stays 73 ish. thats with the lights like 1 inch away :weed:
  11. Lamamonster

    Does this look normal to you?

    Yes pretty much. lol :weed: Happy MJ Comes from happy Plants :D
  12. Lamamonster

    Does this look normal to you?

    Temperature. :weed: tells me wha the soil and the plant are feeling ha ha.
  13. Lamamonster

    Does this look normal to you?

    :joint:Order it off the Internet?? lol Yea i made the Mistake of MG too look and the tip of this sprout:joint:
  14. Lamamonster

    8 Days old

    Dont spray them with water with the lights on if you spray them you could burn the leaves. And Water the soil good the roots lots of water at youngen stage. I'm waiting til my sprouts get bigger before spraying them.
  15. Lamamonster

    8 Days old

    :blsmoke:and the one that fell over might have been streching for the light. if you can move them as close as possible would be best i think. maybe put a fan on the bulb to keep the temps down on the leaves..
  16. Lamamonster

    first grow please help

    Those are pretty Nice Keep up the good work.:weed:
  17. Lamamonster

    yellow/heat spots

    Are those just Reggi plants?
  18. Lamamonster

    Does this look normal to you?

    Ha ha Yea. would be pretty Sic. Wha kinda soil were you using??
  19. Lamamonster

    yellow/heat spots

    Best of Luck to You... I hope i was right :P Happy Growing
  20. Lamamonster

    yellow/heat spots

    2 Weeks ago i had some heat spikes in my Grow room. got up to 99.. my leaves looked simaliar to wha happen to yours... i would get a couple of fans put them in the corners just to keep things cooler... One 8 in fan in the corner of my room the temp stays at about 76 ish now. Maybe its the heat...