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  1. dustin741

    Help! seedling sprout only has 1 seed leaf!

    Like I said it did take a WHILE for it to start growing properly, so if you don't have the time to take care of it or if it is going to mess with the grow scheduled of other plants, just pull it and start a new one. But if time isn't an issue it is possible to nurse it back to healthy growth...
  2. dustin741

    Help! seedling sprout only has 1 seed leaf!

    I wouldn't worry about it too much, I actually has this happen to me with one of my plants, it started out slow and was smaller than the rest of the plants but now its the largest and strongest pant it have, It did grow a little weird at first. The second pair of leaves only spouted one single...
  3. dustin741

    Cannabis Nutrient Deficiency Info - Printable PDF

    im bumping this because allot of people are have problems with nutes and I think this just might help.
  4. dustin741

    hermie man why

    I have read about people picking off the pollen sacs and spraying Dutch masters reverse on the plant to slow down male growth in a hermie. I don't know how well it works so this is just a suggestion that might help.
  5. dustin741

    Cannabis Nutrient Deficiency Info - Printable PDF

    No problem, I just see allot of questions on here about dieing leaves and color changes. So I figured it would be helpful to put up a chart, info, and pics in a PDF so people can print it out easily and compare their leaves side by side.
  6. dustin741

    Cannabis Nutrient Deficiency Info - Printable PDF

    This is a printable collection of information about marijuana nutrient problems. I put this together because I wanted a printable document that I could take with me to my grow room. So I searched for charts and info and found the highest resolutions pics and put them together in a neat and...
  7. dustin741

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Im going to save this thread and print it out.
  8. dustin741

    First Time growing need help !!! PLEASE HELP Im Having problems

    Sounds to me your over watering, wait till the top 2 inches of soild is dry before you water again. and yes CFL's DO get hot enough to burn your plant, I left my grow room for 2 days and a plant grew up to the CFL and burned the leaves. I cant belive your water it every day, Sometime I go up to...
  9. dustin741

    Can Powdery Mildew go away? I am experimenting!

    please don't laugh at my newbie question, but whats up with the stalk on the plant with the wire fence around it. Is that a particular strain that grows stalks like that? Or do you train the plant when its young to grow like that?
  10. dustin741

    I want seeds but only have a hermaphrodite and females.

    Well I'm not experienced in cloning but I do know the basics of how to do it. One reason I kinda want to keep the hermaphrodite was to make hash because I know the other 3 pants are not going to yield that much bud. I'm just trying to get the most I can out of this grow. Im still thinking about...
  11. dustin741

    I want seeds but only have a hermaphrodite and females.

    So I just found out the sex of my pants 3 females and 1 hermaphrodite. I would like seeds from these plants, so I can grow more. But I don't know about letting a hermaphrodite pollinate a female. Is the hermaphrodite gene going to be transferred on to the next generation of seeds. I know not to...
  12. dustin741

    1st time ever for fun and own use!

    Here are a few sites that have worldwide shipping that a few other members on here suggested As for growing with natural light you have to remember that they need 18-24 full hours of light when...
  13. dustin741

    these are my babies so far....(pics)

    damn... for a first grow too, they look a hell of a lot better than mine. thick stalk, bushy and a nice deep green to them. just remember to turn the pots, you don't want them to start growing sideways trying to reach for light. They look very healthy to me, make sure to keep us posted on updates.
  14. dustin741

    cable guy saw some shit!

    I highly doubt that this guy will say anything at all. Even if he does tell the police, their is still not enough evidence for them to do a search. Police must prove that they have additional information and evidence relating to the testimony against you for probable cause to be relevant...
  15. dustin741

    Dead leaves on bottom of plant? Male or female?

    humm don't know why that happens, i will upload them to tiny pic hold on.
  16. dustin741

    Dead leaves on bottom of plant? Male or female?

    I do have a fan off to the right, just cant see it. I rigged/tapped a dryer vent hose to the back of the fan using a large lampshade as a cone. Got the end of the hose sucking in air from outside through a window. also when the light turn on I open up the grow room and put another fan on them.
  17. dustin741

    Dead leaves on bottom of plant? Male or female?

    man this took a long time for me just to get these, i hate auto focus. click orginal image size at the top of the page [img=] [img=]...
  18. dustin741

    Dead leaves on bottom of plant? Male or female?

    any comments on how healthy they look. What about the dead leaves on bottom of the plant???
  19. dustin741

    Dead leaves on bottom of plant? Male or female?

    thats good, do you think they might be hermaphrodite