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  1. M

    Day 65 Nirvana Aurora and Mystic.

    I have a good microscope, probably 100X. I can see the trichs clearly, just the light is broken, so i have to hold the bud to my lights. Gets hot lol. But which trichs should i be looking at more, the ones on the sugar leaves or the ones on the bud? It's been almost 70 days now since they...
  2. M

    Day 65 Nirvana Aurora and Mystic.

    I had a feeling the smaller one one was the BM just based on the size. Not sure what this means, but the majority of trichomes on the little sugar leaves are amber, but not the bud itself. Still 90% cloudy, 9% clear, and maybe 1 or 2 ambers popping up deep in the bud. So is it better to use...
  3. M

    Day 65 Nirvana Aurora and Mystic.

    So has anyone ever had that? lol now about 85% milky with still no amber trichs at all. None.
  4. M

    Day 65 Nirvana Aurora and Mystic.

    I have a microscope, it's just the light burnt out, so I have to get pretty close to my lights so I can see when i use it. I would say about 90% of the trichs are cloudy or milky, and the remaining 10% are clear. Not one amber. It's not at all what I expected from reading and researching...
  5. M

    Day 65 Nirvana Aurora and Mystic.

    both strains say they are 6-8 weeks, and im into week 10 now, 65 days after 12/12 switch. I'm worried about cooking them too long
  6. M

    Day 65 Nirvana Aurora and Mystic.

    I'm on day 65 of two of each Aurora Indica and Blue Mystic from Nirvana. I didn't label each seed so I could try and identify each plant on my own. Well, I can't. Can anyone else? ANd any opinions about how close they look just by seeing without microscope? Probably will be difficult, old...
  7. M

    Why Metal Halide for flowering?

    so back to the question then. HPS for flowering because of the temperature rating or because of something else in the bulb? MH produces more resin and frostier buds because of the radiation and the fact trichomes are the plants natural defense from the UV. So does it make sense then to use...
  8. M

    Why Metal Halide for flowering?

    ive been reading this stuff here, on RIU. Here's an entry:
  9. M

    Why Metal Halide for flowering?

    I've been reading a lot of posts about how Metal Halide will give you denser but higher resin bud whereas HPS will produce fluffier, but less resin buds. Has to do with the same amount of trichs concentrated in a smaller area. I was wondering what contributed to this. Is it the kelvin rating...
  10. M

    Never seen a flower like this. Anyone?

    It reminded me of those plants that you run your fingers up in the summer and take off all the little buds, like wheat kind of i guess. I've had male plants before from bagseed, but they always looked really good. Big, strong plants, at least until i chopped them. This one was weird. It...
  11. M

    Never seen a flower like this. Anyone?

    I killed the plant and it turns out it was the one 'mystery seed' I got from Nirvana for ordering at Christmas time. It was the only seed i planted in a peat pellet. I guess thats why it was free lol
  12. M

    Never seen a flower like this. Anyone?

    are you being serious or no? If so, I'm flipping all of them tonight/tomorrow. Nirvana says these strains are 7-9 weeks to flower, so hopefully, within 7-9 weeks! lol
  13. M

    Never seen a flower like this. Anyone?

    I have the other 8 still vegging. Been vegging them for roughly a month and gotten them anywhere from 6-10 inches tall, with topping done at the 3rd node and the 2nd nodes of each topped branch. I put two in quickly to try the 12/12 from seed, but couldn't bring myself to not at least giving...
  14. M

    Never seen a flower like this. Anyone?

    i know. Sorry about the pics. I have an older blackberry with no flash. Crappy camera. Thanks for trying to see it! lol i guess it's gotta come down then...
  15. M

    Never seen a flower like this. Anyone?

    I've recently begun a grow using Nirvana Seeds, Blue Mystic and Aurora Indica, feminized. I don't know which is which in my flower room, but I can see two very distinct plants. The one in the pictures has been under 12/12 for 2 weeks, after having 1 week of vegging after sprouting and being...
  16. M

    800 W Purple Kush /Aurora Indica / Blue Mystic - From Seed to Harvest

    Why would I veg with my HPS and flower with my MH? And I moved the seedlings within maybe a cm to the cfls. I really got them confused with clones and didnt want them to burn. How long should I keep them under the cfl's before moving to under the MH? And how close normally to a 250W MH (I...
  17. M

    800 W Purple Kush /Aurora Indica / Blue Mystic - From Seed to Harvest

    I think i felt the need to use the dome because I am so used to clones. Been so long since i planted and grew a seed. So I should take off the dome and move the tops closer to the lights? How close do you recommend? They are each a 40Watt 6500k cfl. Not huge, but they are too hot for...
  18. M

    800 W Purple Kush /Aurora Indica / Blue Mystic - From Seed to Harvest

    Nice. I'll put pics every week or 2. These PK's never get big at all, regardless how long I veg for. They have virtually zero stretch when i start flowering them, maybe growing 3 inches at the most. That PK mother in my pictures is almost 3 months old right now
  19. M

    800 W Purple Kush /Aurora Indica / Blue Mystic - From Seed to Harvest

    so should i just throw the seedlings under the 250 MH? How close should i have the lights? I'm not used to seeds at all. I usually just use clones
  20. M

    800 W Purple Kush /Aurora Indica / Blue Mystic - From Seed to Harvest

    thanks. Now can anyone offer any advice on the seedlings? I'm worried that the way I'm doing them isn't proper. Are the 2 40W CFL's enough or too much light? Should they be closer or further away? Any help would be appreciated.