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  1. razar100


    im i could get a better pic in a sec
  2. razar100


    so u mena i cut the tops ina right place n vegg for 2 weeks then i can bud n get more bud?
  3. razar100


    im not doing 12/12*
  4. razar100


    im doing 12/12 yet im doing 18h a day im not using any bought nute but what i did was but steak n srimp burring in the dirt to decompose for nutes.....
  5. razar100


    u mean cut it so it grow in difrent place? im a noob at this u can tell me what / how i do that
  6. razar100


    palmetto its by sarsota/bradinton
  7. razar100


    yeah exactly that just how we say mids in fl
  8. razar100


    b grade weed its a scale we use in fl maby other places use it to A = beast shit b=just a little sucier and c = okey and d= shit
  9. razar100


    ight cool i cant wait to i got my own shit that plant smells amazing so i think its going to b high Bs since that all we have in FL....but it works
  10. razar100


    no its turky =) lol so how many more weeks cuz i miss smoking school = no connection wit my dealer = no weed
  11. razar100


    can u bud a plant at any time? im indoors and my plant is about 5 weeks i dont rly kare how much i get of it cuz smoke is smoke...:joint: so i thinkin about grown it 2 more weeks n then start to bud it
  12. razar100

    My first time growing

    i will get better picktures in a min....and btw should i take tin foil out the box isnt white but it tanish would that color work??
  13. razar100

    My first time growing

    first or all no money and...iv be writing down the time on a long inteds of a time n i set my alarm clock to make me get up at the right times n i also water him 3 times amd since i dont have nutriens used some steak n shrimp in my dirt to decompose get get nutraints to my plantmy box is 12 inch...
  14. razar100

    My first time growing

    uhhh im not makin it flower yet im just gowin it but i put fan in there and i usaly put a black towl over it i turn the light on at 11 and turn of at 5 in the morning for it to gow but when it gets bigger im give is 12/12 n igess ill set some screan up?any thing els that could help me?
  15. razar100

    My first time growing

    my question is if my grow box will work? it has a 100 watt soft white light in it and im wondering if im going to have bad weed...or any addvise u can give to make my plant gow faster or better?and if my grow box isnt guna how can i fix it?
  16. razar100

    My first time growing

    this is my first time growing my seedling were out side untill they grew to liek 1 1/2 inch then i put um in a bigger pot and i mad a grow box out of a small file cabinet all the walls have tine foil and theres a 100 watt soft white light bulb in there i think its a fluorescent thow...the...