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  1. R

    Rdizzys Upside down grow journal

    Whoops forgot to update this in a while, i definately will tommorrow tho for sure. The plants leaves have started to curl into themselves like heat stress but its never more than 85 in there. Anyways i threw a tiny fan in there for some air circulation and poked a couple small holes for some...
  2. R

    First grow from bagseed!

    Tommorrow i will update pics of the harvested buds, the mother plant, and the clones i have budding. Also pics of the three plants i will be putting into flowering once the lower buds on the harvested plants finish up.
  3. R

    First grow from bagseed!

    Harvested the upper buds that were done on both plants heres the pics. Pics 1 2 3 and half of pic 4 are from the mg potting soil plant. The other half of pic 4, 5 and 6 are of the plant from the mg organic. The wet weight of the first plant is somewhere around 55-60 grams, the wet weight of...
  4. R

    Rdizzys Upside down grow journal

    I just put these confused ladies into flowering on day 21 they are at day 4 now ill update w some new pics tomm at some point. Looking forward to seeing what happens w em.
  5. R

    First grow from bagseed!

    same here.. cant wait
  6. R

    Anyone use wonderlites?

    still wonderin about these cuz they come in 200 and 300 watt and they arent too expensive. Someone on these forums has had to of used em heh
  7. R

    Rdizzys Upside down grow journal

    Here is an update even though my foot is fucked up due to the surgery.. hah. They are at day 21 and i just switched the timer to 12/12 to flower them. They are definately smaller than they are supposed to be at this age but its due to lack of airflow and drainage most likely. Because i have to...
  8. R

    First grow from bagseed!

    had my fiancee drag out the plants n take pics for me!! so heres the pre-harvest update. Going to harvest in about 3 days and leave the smaller buds at the bottom to finish up. Pics 1 2 3 4 and 5 are the mg potting day 53 flowering pics 6 7 8 9 10 and 11 are of the mg organic soil plant also...
  9. R

    First grow from bagseed!

    Gonna be a bit before i post some more pics, had to have foot surgery so i cant get to my area atm. Gonna have my fiancee water for me heh.
  10. R

    Rdizzys Upside down grow journal

    Gonna be a bit before i post some more pics, had to have foot surgery so i cant get to my area atm. Gonna have my fiancee water for me heh.
  11. R

    Rdizzys Upside down grow journal

    Gonna switch to 12/12 in 3 or 4 days im just gonna keep the little fluro and not switch to cfls. Dont feel like spending more loot on an experimental grow lol. At least its a warm bulb so thats good. Should turn out decent im thinkin, they are definately weird looking tho for sure.
  12. R

    Rdizzys Upside down grow journal

    Im gonna flower these at day 21 im thinkin, they are kinda small for there age but i think thats due to lack of airflow because they are covered so the light doesnt leak into the other rooms. Ill get a small fan to throw up there for flowering tho . Its also difficult to have proper soil...
  13. R

    Anyone use wonderlites?

    anyone at all?
  14. R

    Anyone use wonderlites?

    Has anyone here used wonderlites before i was thinking of buying some but idk. Are they cfls? or what
  15. R

    First grow from bagseed!

    Heres a shitload of new pictures of many different plants. 1 2 and 3 are of the mother plant i just put into flowering, its 4 days in. 4 and 5 are a few clones that i have vegging now 6 and 7 are of the clone ive had flowering for about 30 days now (it doesnt get as much light as id like...
  16. R

    Rdizzys Upside down grow journal

    heres the updated pics, the plants leaves are flipped totally upside down lol. They are doing fine tho and getting bigger.
  17. R

    Rdizzys Upside down grow journal

    Gonna update pics of my upside down friends later tonite after I buy some more batts for my camera.
  18. R

    First grow from bagseed!

    I was going to update pics again today but the cams batteries ran out so i gotta grab some more, update will be tomm.
  19. R

    Rdizzys Upside down grow journal

    I dont really hate my job persay, more hating working than anything only because im in mass amounts of pain always, due to Rheumatoid Arthritis plus im on 11 diff medications n shit. Ive been thinkin of goin on disability at some point, but for now i have bills to pay and have no choice heh.
  20. R

    Rdizzys Upside down grow journal

    I wish i was fucking unemployed. I work forty hour weeks even tho i have severe RA. Have worked in the same place now for ohh roughly six years and it sucks ass. But uhh it is true that after work i have little life, I dont go out and do much whatsoever. I sit at home all day w my fiancee and...