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  1. RDC4687

    Grow #1 - Hydro 6/23

    ok so it been about 14 hours since my first post and there is a whole lot of change. Almost all my seelings are fully sprouted with some really promising ones. i removed the dome so the lights could get closer. it really hasnt affected the humidity. here are some pics. the one with my...
  2. RDC4687

    Thought of the day..

    jesus man- i pulled an all nighter for summer school- whats ur excuse? your smoke will never die at the rate you post...
  3. RDC4687

    Thought of the day..

    thats not very funny... youve had better thoughts of the day... :hump:
  4. RDC4687


    what about the stretching?
  5. RDC4687


    I am on day 2 and 1/2ish and a few of my seedlings are starting to show signs of what i think is stretching. Im using 3* 24w CFLs and a humidome thingy. Am I just paranoid? how long will they grow before the second internode? when should i switch to my 400w MH?
  6. RDC4687

    Grow #1 - Hydro 6/23

    And so it begins... After months of research, I finally get to start my own grow. I ask a lot of questions so please bear with me. Here is my set-up: 400W MH/HPS switchable ballast basic winged reflector MicroGarden 6/8 site Top drip/ebb and flow hydro system ~14"x30" TriFlex Nutes many fans...
  7. RDC4687

    What are you paying?

    man screw this... im moving to cali...
  8. RDC4687

    seedling discoloration

    I can always rely on you igthy...
  9. RDC4687

    seedling discoloration

    This is day 2 of this seedling. I know its early- but i thought i would double check since the rest of them are coming through right now. Is the discoloration on the edges normal? also when should i add nutes?
  10. RDC4687

    Places to buy seeds..

    haha yes. google is always a good place to start. then just look up the site you are looking at on sites like this one :blsmoke:
  11. RDC4687

    Yes, I can grow weed !!!!!!

    youd have to talk to a resident californian but they can get medical mary j licenses and shit... Oregon, nevada, and washington too right?
  12. RDC4687

    Yes, I can grow weed !!!!!!

    yeah but dude's in switz.... we are still shit outa luck in the states... i dont wanna hear it cali... lucky sonsabitches...
  13. RDC4687

    What are you paying?

    is here cali? or am i misunderstanding? and holy fuck thats cheap
  14. RDC4687

    What are you paying?

    ohh igthy... you are always the first and last on my threads (usually cause i never get replies) but thanks- that site is cool. and it spurs more questions other than proximity to Mex. why the fuck is TX so cheap? and why is Cali still avg priced? Is it just that much better in cali?
  15. RDC4687

    Weird things you do thread

    I have issues with posting on a thread that i havent read the ENTIRE thread... also i think it is funny how many ocd habits growers have as was commented before I only watch movies on tv. even if its a shitty movie- ill watch it over 90% of other stuff on tv. and last but not least-...
  16. RDC4687

    What are you paying?

    for your weed? I live in NC and bud is pretty scarce right now in my neck of the woods. Sure maybe it all depends on the people you know but im curious. How much are you buying/selling for in your state? schwag/brickweed: 35-40 a quarter middies, beasters, whatever you wanna call it...
  17. RDC4687

    Best way to rob a bank!!

    one of my favorite ways ive seen. i also really liked the one with Bruce willis and Billy Bob Thorton where they would kidnap the bank manager the night before- take them to the bank in the morning and do it all quietly and shit.
  18. RDC4687

    GOOD vs BAD weed??

    stay away from brick weed... anything that has been really compressed is usually a sign of commercial growing which is usually crap weed.
  19. RDC4687

    Found out lil' bro smokes

    glad things worked out. that was a great way of handling the situation. now you gotta teach him everything you know about pot so he can grow up to be a good little stoner
  20. RDC4687

    GOOD vs BAD weed??

    sooo many answers to this question... 1. Is is actually bud? ie sinsemilla - meaning "without seed" your bud should not have any seeds in it- although 1-3 seeds in an 1/8th wont kill you... 2. Does it have lots of resin? is it covered in crystals? the sticky, grains that should cover the...