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  1. silkyjohnson

    My new Super Mouse.... he's so sporty :) And protects my weed :)

    are mice good pets? I love animals and was thinking about getting a lil guy, but I'm torn between something furry and something badass (like a turtle...ok, not all that badass but I like turtles)
  2. silkyjohnson

    first harvest! 1 white rhino

    daaaamn, mouthwatering. take a puff for me! :weed:
  3. silkyjohnson

    How Do You Make Organic Tea

    could I get by using this organic tea, with no other nutes? will it provide a "balanced diet", so to speak?
  4. silkyjohnson

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!! #2

    great looking setup, can't wait to see how the little gals turn out! and by the way, that watering system is completely brilliant
  5. silkyjohnson

    Greetings From Kentucky

    Hey, new to Rollitup I used to post on grasscity, but things over there have been pretty lame for a while, so I decided I was going to find a new weed forum and this seems like the one for me! I hope to learn a lot from you guys, and hopefully help some of you out as well
  6. silkyjohnson

    Budget Grow

    i've heard fox farm has some great stuff
  7. silkyjohnson

    Budget Grow

    invest in some quality organic soil, that should save you money on nutes