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  1. Diesel Wreck

    TAPWATER QUESTION East Bay Mud EBMUD Contra Costa

    sup ya'all bear with me if there's thousands of answers already in the archives, i am new to RIU and finding it's search console a little less than effective... usually i google something and pick a rollitup result! pointers are welcome, as i have probably many of the same questions anyone else...
  2. Diesel Wreck

    URGENT plant spacing question please help

    ok so i'm two weeks into my first grow, and i'm concerned i may have too many plants for the space... will someone with experience flowering out Grandaddy Purple clones (or a similar pure indica) let me know what to expect? i have 9 plants in 3-gallon pots pretty much filling a 34x40"...
  3. Diesel Wreck

    Grandaddy Purple (clones): please advise on size! who's grown these out? bay area CA

    thats how they look right now minus two from the front. think i'll keep these 9, leave the lights off sunday, and start 12/12. but seriously folks, if anybody thinks these are gonna be two feet across six weeks from now, YELL AT ME
  4. Diesel Wreck

    Grandaddy Purple (clones): please advise on size! who's grown these out? bay area CA

    allright i've been vegging 11 GDP clones in 3-gallon pots under a 600w hps for two weeks now and they're at about 9". i was planning on flowering at 12", but the grow space is about 3x3.5', so each plant has about a square foot and i've been advised that this may not be enough. already topped em...
  5. Diesel Wreck

    bay area medical closet (GRANDADDY roots soil lumatek aircool 600w)

    i hope we just have very different setups (or i'm way off)... my 3g pots are the "smart pot" brand of air-pruning bucket, they are made of a felt-like material so the entire thing breathes (not just holes in the bottom). also these are sitting on wire racks off the ground. temp and humid are...
  6. Diesel Wreck

    bay area medical closet (GRANDADDY roots soil lumatek aircool 600w)

    glad you came along GP, i didnt seem to be inspiring much advice. maybe thats a good thing... did i mention its my first grow? :) exactly the type of advice i was looking for too. so i hear you on space, i have 11 3-gallon pots in about 10 square feet and the plants are topped. surprising to me...
  7. Diesel Wreck

    bay area medical closet (GRANDADDY roots soil lumatek aircool 600w)

    damn the pic thing is a lil tricky eh? a doctor recommended marijuana to cure what ails me, and he was right on! manages my symptoms nicely with no unpleasant side effects. so i registered with the county health department and here's a look at my first grow- i started with a dozen (one died in...
  8. Diesel Wreck

    Opinions on Digital Ballasts

    i have a lumatek 600w and love it. quiet, not too hot, and dims to 400 or 250 which is nice if you want to veg with a halide. i dont use the "super lumen" because it came with a standard hps bulb (and i agree with the guy who said it probably dies quicker, plus to my eye there was no...