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  1. D

    when to put under lights

    giv it time m8 they mite pop there heads out soon, i didnt plant mine very deep, just deep enough so that the seed was just under the soil, wot strain are you using? this is my 1st grow aswell im using auto ak47
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    when to put under lights

    i planted 3 germinated seeds on sunday at my friends house, he phoned me yesterday (tuesday) saying they have sprouted about 1cm out of the soil :) i am just wondering when do i put them under my 250w 6500k cfl (envirolite) i was thinking maybe tommorrow or friday, do you think this will kill...
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    Stop vibratioins from exhaust fan

    i cant get a pic at the mo because im not growing at my place, im gunna try and get a bit of rubber 1st and if that doesnt work then i may hang the fan like some 1 stated above
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    Stop vibratioins from exhaust fan

    at the moment i have cut a 4" hole in top of my grow space and had my 4" fan screwed inside my box at the top blowing air out the hole, it vibrated a lot so i folded cut some old jeans up and placed this between the fan and the box but it still vibrates a lot! any ideas on how to stop most of...
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    yo yo hangers

    ah rite i was only tryin them when i 1st got them i havnt got them set up in the grow room yet as im just germinating seeds thanks
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    yo yo hangers

    hi i purchased a cfl light and reflector and it came with 2 adjustable yo yo hangers, does any 1 have the same 1s and could tell me how they work?? when i unscrew the butterfly nut the cord can be pulled out but when i tighten the nut back up it just goes back inside and doesnt stay where i...
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    First time grower, first time cfl grow

    great grow man congrats, i am startin a 250w cfl grow next week, cnt wait after seeing the pics of yr beutys considering yr a 1st time grower hope mine turn out full of buds like yours what spectrum of light did you use when vegging and flowering ?
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    People who have grown autoflowering seeds

    NYCUSH's thread got me thinking i am just wondering with autoflowering seeds do i need a flowering spectrum bulb? as i have seen a nycush just had his plants in vegging and 4 of them r flowering, do autoflower bulbs just start flowering wiv a vegging bulb? this mite b a stupid question but im...
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    What light spectrum for autoflower ak47

    i only plan on growing 3 plants so 250w should good for them plants shudn't it, thats 83 watts per plant or even if i just grow 2 thats 125 a plant
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    What light spectrum for autoflower ak47

    so wot till happen if i use the 250w blue envirolite ive bought for vegging and after a month or so buy a red 250w bulb and swap them over for flowering ?? i thought that was the way to do it, didnt know you need both spectrums on during process
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    What light spectrum for autoflower ak47

    i dont really have any money at the moment to buy a dual spectrum bulb because ive just ordered a 250w blue spectrum kit on monday, does any 1 know if it would work if i vegged wiv the blue 1 then just bought a red bulb in a month and flower it or would u suggest saving a bit of money for a...
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    What light spectrum for autoflower ak47

    i got some autoflowering ak47 seeds givin off a friend and have just bought a blue spectrum bulb, should i just normal seeds that require blue and red bulbs or use these autoflowering seeds and veg them with blue and buy a red spectum bulb and start flowering after a month ??
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    What light spectrum for autoflower ak47

    am pretty certain its blue for veggin and red for flowering
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    What light spectrum for autoflower ak47

    ive never thought about it before, i bought the blue one thinking that would be the right 1 as at first at plant needs to veg which is the blue spectrum, then i thought if it autoflowers itself do i actually need to change the bulb ?
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    What light spectrum for autoflower ak47

    i am startin my grow this week and was wondering what spectrum of light is required? i hav just ordered a 250w envirolite cfl (blue/6500) and now wondering if you just use the red light all the time
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    Auto AK47 PC case grow

    nice grow mate! just a quick question about the light, ive just ordered a 250w envirolite cfl what spectrum of light was the bulb you had (blue/6700k) or (red/2400) ive bought the blue one and am wondering if this will be sufficent? im growing the autoflowering ak47 also
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    question on flowering times

    ok thanks for that guys :joint: = :hump:
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    question on flowering times

    ive seen in numerous journal threads people saying '35 days into flowering' does this mean its been in vegging for a month or so then had 35 days of flowering?vOr just 35 days since the seed has been planted this mite sound daft but im new 2 this n just wondered :peace:
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    Yield differnece between cfl's and hps

    thanks for quick replies ive been browsing grasscity forums and it takes ages for people to reply, then i stumbled across rollitup and it rules as i still live with my parents i will be growing this at a friends house so probs best if i stick with the cfl option due to heat and burning the...
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    Yield differnece between cfl's and hps

    i am new to growing but have been doing a lot of research so i dont end up wasting money, i found a 125w cfl grow light on ebay with blue and red spectrum bulbs, people have said it will be ideal but then other people say buy a hps because i will gain more of a yield. What is the difference in...