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  1. L

    speed dry

    Damn I dont have one of those And its 930 here so to late to go shopping Thanks for the suggestion any other methods out there??
  2. L

    Humidity higher when lights off?

    I live in canada so no target hehe
  3. L

    speed dry

    So Im a week away from cropping and both my dealers are completely out for a couple of days (part of why i started growing and price). I know I shouldnt have but i snipped one of the popcorn buds off and have it sitting on the ballast right now. Anyone know a way of speed drying it? i know its...
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    Humidity higher when lights off?

    I cant seem to find anything other that the crystals, cant find the type of thing thats in the link from stratkilla911 been to walmart, homedepot, sears, canadian tire but that thing works with silica crystals so basicly wouldnt it do about the same?
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    1st grow let me knwo what u guys think

    Thanks a lot guys it means a lot I did tonnes of reseach befor i started on this website and I think its really paying off Im gona fluch wiht AN final phase for a week and then chop them Gona do a trellus system on my next run once im done these
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    Humidity higher when lights off?

    I can only seem to find humidifers on the home depot site hehe
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    Humidity higher when lights off?

    Would this be the crystals or somethign that might work?
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    Humidity higher when lights off?

    well my grow room is not that big and cant fit a dehumidifer in it so i was thinking crystals might be an option my room is only 3x5x4
  9. L

    How many Plants under a 400 watt HPS???

    Im using a 400 watt hps right now with 6 plants and the are all doing awsome They are in a grow box and the base dementions are 4 feet by 6 feet and 4 feet high. I started flowering with one week old clones. Im gona try doeing 8 plants on my next running using a trellus system.
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    Humidity higher when lights off?

    I did just lower the night time temp So im guessing this is what caused this and why i didnt have a problem befor ILl try putting it back up and see if that helps Thanks you guys are awsome Also where would i buy dehumidifing crystals?? anyone know?
  11. L

    Humidity higher when lights off?

    Im in my last week of flowering and for the past 2 days when i check my plants at lights on the humidity is at like 70%. Its around 50% when the lights are on. I dont get it because all the fans are still on only thing that changes is the light is off There is a space heater in there to keep...
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    1st grow let me knwo what u guys think

    So its the 7th week of flowering and i think they are looking pretty good The tris all look cloudy with a 60x magnifer Its canadian by VISC and they say flowering 6-8 weeks I started flushing with AN final phase today and wannt know what u guys think Thanks a lot
  13. L

    which one should i use Bud Blood or Open Sesame

    I used bud blood and it worked great for me It also came free with big bud and carbold when u order nutes off Its pretty sweet buy all base nutes and get boosters for free hehe
  14. L

    What do u guys use

    Ive been looking on ebay and such for silk screen or something to make a sifter, but cant really find anything Just wonding if anyone knows a place that sells anything or what kind of techniques you guys use for making hash? Thanks a lot
  15. L

    Lights on or lights off

    When is the best time to be feeding/watering my plants When the lights first go on or right befor they go off or does it even matter? Thanks
  16. L

    Elephant Bud by BC seeds?

    I ordered 10 of their white widow They did end up coming but with no freebies at all liek the promised me and only 1 out of 10 germed and it was a really fucked up looking thing so i turfed and it and started my VISC seeds I emails them and they also said that it was due to my error But then...
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    MH vs HPS question

    Anyone know?
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    MH vs HPS question

    how bad would it be to use a MH for flowering? Is it going to be a noticable differance from HPS
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    MH vs HPS question

    the ballast i have runs both MH and HPS bulbs and its a digital I am going to get an air cooled but cant afford it for a couple moths hehe
  20. L

    MH vs HPS question

    Thats weird cause my HPS is a lot hotter then MH at same watt thats my problem