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  1. SkateCrazed

    First Indoor Grow

    Okay so reppotted, emergency blanketed sides, 400 w hps all is going good. Going to need to work on a ventalation system, the bulb gets HOT! complete light setup from for $150 thanks guys. i am not going all out on this i realize you can spend hundreds if not thousands but this...
  2. SkateCrazed

    First Indoor Grow

    Okay so I finally moved the plants and put them in bigger pots with Foxfarm Ocean Forest soil. The improvement with actual good quality soil is very noticable, they were struggling now I am getting dark green healthy looking leaves. 400W HPS will be here a day before the 6 week of vegging. I...
  3. SkateCrazed

    Summer Heat

    Due to summer heat would it be a good idea to run 12/12 lights on during the night and then leave them off for the day? My room is pretty light proof but some cracks may let in a little house light. Itll be a 400w hps what do people think?
  4. SkateCrazed

    Online Purchasing Saftey

    I just recently purchased lights online with my real name and cc information and address, it didnt seem like it was a big deal at the time but should i be concerned about it?
  5. SkateCrazed

    First Indoor Grow

    Yea I've been planning on switching them at exactly week 4 but due to ordering lights and other delays its taking longer. The 400 w hps should be on its way and I am hoping for it to be here by a week but I am worried about the condition of the plants over the week since they seem to be...
  6. SkateCrazed

    First Indoor Grow

    Ive hit some problems this week few bottom leaves are turning yellow and curling upwards along with a few curling downwards. I've pruned a few but there there are quite a few. From what Ive read it seems to be due to lack of nutrients. I mixed 1tsp/gallon of epson salt and have been watering...
  7. SkateCrazed

    First Indoor Grow

    Everything is still looking healthy.
  8. SkateCrazed

    First Indoor Grow

    Alot of new healthy growth everything is looking good.
  9. SkateCrazed

    First Indoor Grow

    I started out with 8 germinated seeds that I planted in jiffy pots and put under 2 flourescents. The idea was to veg them for a month and switch over to a bigger grow room with a 400w hps light and put them in bigger pots. Due to some delays it has now been a month and the switch hasnt...
  10. SkateCrazed

    Leave Problem (pics)

    I cant switch them for another 1 week but until that time what can I do to keep them healthy? I watered them with a 1sp/gallon of epson salt mix. I am repotting and moving them to a bigger room in about a week but I dont want any serious problems before that happens... anything I can do to...
  11. SkateCrazed

    Leave Problem (pics)

    It has been 4 weeks since I started vegging these guys in some jiffy pots. Within a week I am going to plant them in a bigger pots with better soil and switch over to 400w hps but the last couple days I have been having a problem with the lower leaves dying. I have pruned off the completly...