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  1. damnsmoker

    Decarboxylating before making you need to?

    So, here's a question: If you are planning on baking with budder or coconut cannabis oil, do you really need to decarboxylate before hand? I mean, your baked products, like brownies or cookies, are exposed to the temperatures required for baking, is there any reason to decarboxylate before...
  2. damnsmoker

    Fox News “brainwashed” so many dads: “People are being bamboozled on a massive scale”

    Wow...just wow. Thanks for so contributing to the conversation.
  3. damnsmoker

    Fox News “brainwashed” so many dads: “People are being bamboozled on a massive scale”

    I don't listen to/watch Faux news, but what has happened to men over the last 40 years is disgusting. Imagine the hate campaign, launched against men, if it were aimed toward women. Imagine the marginalization of motherhood; being able to go on air and say, in all seriousness, something...
  4. damnsmoker

    Cloning help...I suck at cloning. Help!

    Well, the Clone-o-matic 9000 is still only a cloner by name. I am going to empty the bin and add fresh water and earth worm castings (EWC). EDIT: I did this and man, was it gross. There was slime in the pump, so I had to clean that out. After I had washed out the bin, rinsed it well and cleaned...
  5. damnsmoker

    2016 Lake Ontario Area Grow Season

    That's good news, it'll give me some time to get some more started. Thanks! Great info, thanks! What strain are you growing? I was also looking at fabric pots, do you just leave them above ground or do you bury them? Thanks to all!
  6. damnsmoker

    2016 Lake Ontario Area Grow Season

    So...does anyone think we'll get to have one? Right now, it's -3 degrees C or something something degrees Fahrenheit along the northern shore of Lake Ontario; either way, it's still below freezing. :evil: I have never grown anything outside before, but it's looking less likely that anything...
  7. damnsmoker

    Cloning help...I suck at cloning. Help!

    I put the Clone-o-matic 9000 on some dri-core subflooring in the hope that, that would be enough to raise the temperature a bit, but I didn't even think to put the bin on the seedling mat that I have...just sitting there...doing nothing. No time to type the Bat Cave! The Bat Cave is...
  8. damnsmoker

    C-99 From PeakSeedsBC

    That's great news; especially since I got a couple of Fire-99 seeds yesterday, which I'm told are a cross between OG Kush and C99. I just stuffed them in the dirt this morning! I just transplanted my C99 seedlings this morning and re-arranged the veg room to be more...idk, veggy? I also made...
  9. damnsmoker

    C-99 From PeakSeedsBC

    I'm getting good progression with the C-99s, In a week or two, I'll probably transplant them into bigger pots.
  10. damnsmoker

    Cloning help...I suck at cloning. Help!

    Okay...much to report this morning: I transplanted 3 of the rapid rooter clones that were in the cheap-o tray with not much but a bit of water. One had very long roots, one medium and one, just a few small roots sticking out of the rooter. The other three had shown no signs of root development...
  11. damnsmoker

    Is anyone else watching this Obama speech about passing the legalization of marijuana act?

    Me neither, April fool's! If anyone wants me, I'll be hiding under my couch from the heavy objects being thrown at me now...
  12. damnsmoker

    Cloning help...I suck at cloning. Help!

    The oldest Aerogarden cutting was looking pretty solid this morning, so I moved it to a beer cup full of pro-mix and put a new cutting in its place. I also dumped some Kickstart into the Clone-o-matic 9000 in the hopes that it will speed things along as it did in the Aerogarden.
  13. damnsmoker

    Cloning help...I suck at cloning. Help!

    Yeah, I have to find a better way to keep the humidity in for the Clone-o-matic 9000; right now, I just have the Mondi bubble sitting over top of it, unsealed. I'm not sure that it's any improvement, what I might do is grab two of them and make one bigger one that fits over the whole container...
  14. damnsmoker

    Cloning help...I suck at cloning. Help!

    What a difference two days makes! I can only assume at this point that it's the Grotek Kickstart solution that has done this. For two weeks, nothing. Then, in two days, I get this: Sure, the one that had roots got a lot of growth, and who's to say that it wouldn't have done that anyways. But...
  15. damnsmoker

    C-99 From PeakSeedsBC

    Well, I moved my C-99 to the basement. They are progressing well, here's a pic, the cup in the back is a Sour Kosher clone, the four C-99s are doing well, although the youngest is clearly, still smaller than the rest.
  16. damnsmoker

    Cloning help...I suck at cloning. Help!

    So...follow up: The Aerogarden clones are looking a little rough: But looking underneath, I noticed that one of the cuttings has formed some nice roots: The cutting that has sprouted the roots was the one from my first attempt at cloning in the Aerogarden; the one where I trimmed the...
  17. damnsmoker

    Cloning help...I suck at cloning. Help!

    That's a great and simple technique for getting consistent sizes for cuttings, I'll have to try that next time!
  18. damnsmoker

    2nd Grow from 1st grows clones

    So, now that there is room in the tent, I have decided to clear out the "vegging" area by moving everything into the tent. It's pretty full again, but that's a good thing! So anyway, I had some clones and seedlings, still sitting in beer cups, as well as a bunch of veggies and stuff sitting on...
  19. damnsmoker

    2nd Grow from 1st grows clones

    Here are some pictures of the Holy Grail Kush: The HGK is on the far left, you can see the difference between them and the Sour Koshers Not as heavy a producer as the Sour Kosher, but not bad either: The head of this one was so heavy that I accidentally snapped it, so I completely...
  20. damnsmoker

    2nd Grow from 1st grows clones

    Well, well, well...I started harvesting the tent last night, and am finishing off this morning! It looks like a good crop from the 5 plants. This time I used my head and labelled which was which when I hung them to dry. I went to the dollar store and grabbed a bunch of clothes pins and wrote on...