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  1. pirate43a

    First grow: Autoflower Vertigo and Ak-47

    My little gal is in her 67th day and I'm still scratching my head waiting for some major resin production. The trichome heads have not formed. I would guess this gal is getting some age on her and should be showing mature signs. Take a peek.
  2. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    My continuous grow plan might or might not pan out. I really don't smoke myself so it's for the wifey. Gotta keep her happy so she keeps me happy. My veg setup is pretty lame but I want to give it a try. I figure if I can maintain a mother plant it helps avoid detection of customs...
  3. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    I forgot to mention that my plan for next grow is to first veg a Northern Lights and an Aurora Indica for 2 months. Then take 2 or 3 clones from each and put in a separate vegging area which I'm building now. The original 2 plants will then be flowered and 2 clones will serve as mother...
  4. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Axiom, great to hear from you and always nice to hear from a newbie like myself. I ended up buying 6 two gallon Air-Pots from Ebay for a little over $30. I read several comments that users hear root ends ripping when they moved the Smart Pots. I tend to move my plant a lot doing...
  5. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Hello Axion, no I haven't considered Smartpots but will look into it. I did indeed overwater the girl (and overfed). I'm a first time grower and just about loved her to death. Robro suggested that coco coir might be a good fit for me to avoid overwatering. My present mix is 50%...
  6. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    I took a whack at DEFOLIATING this morning since many of my plants leaves are either covering bud locations from direct light or are less than healthy. I didn't do a major defoliation but the plant looks a lot better. I did a feeding yesterday (now using HYDROPONIC nutes) at about 600...
  7. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Don't you think the trichomes on this puppy should be showing the little heads at the end? I'm scanning over the plant and there does appear to be some resin on some of the leaves, which I can smell on my fingers but the plant in general is not heavy with resin. This AK47 auto plant is at...
  8. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Fed this morning after removing some dead lower leaves. Water and nutes went in at 6.1 pH. The HYDROPONIC Grow Big hasn't arrived yet so I put a small amount of the SOIL version instead. A very small dose of Cal/Mag added with mix. I definitely will pH the medium when doing my next...
  9. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    DAY 59 - No big changes to plant. I watered her yesterday with 1 gallon of 6.5 pH water. No runoff so I watered again with 1 gallon of 6.2 water. 3 cups of runoff afterwards at 6.1 pH and a very low 47 ppm. Time for a feeding once she gets dry again. Buds still "airy" but filling...
  10. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Funny you should mention that Dr. Robro. Over the last few days I have agonized over a question. I am growing in 50% PROMIX and 50% perlite. I believe the PROMIX bag said POTTING SOIL so I naturally assumed that meant "SOIL". That might have been a bad assumption. I'm using the...
  11. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Well I took the plunge and bought some Nirvana Northern Lights feminized seeds and Nirvana Aurora Indica feminized seeds. I'm still debating about purchasing an Lighthouse blackstar LED setup. Lots of cash and I think I can tweak my CFL setup to do more. I love engineering.
  12. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    I found a local promix and just mixed it 50/50 with perlite. Not the same stuff detailed in the link you provided. I believe I'm going to buy coco coir and do a grow exactly as detailed in the guide. I'm leaning towards using Northern Lights feminized seeds. Do you...
  13. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Do you sprout your seeds in rockwool and then just put the rockwool block into coco pots for it to continue growing thru the rockwool? The hydroponic guide in is very straightforward.
  14. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Yes, I know what you mean. Politicians over here are out for themselves once they convince us to vote for them. Have you ever grown in a promix/perlite mixture like me? I've been reading and their novice guide involves using coco coir. I think that is what you use...
  15. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Ok, the deed is done. I watered/fed the plant this morning with a mixture of 3 liters of water containing 395 ppm nutes and 2 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide. The mixture went into the plant at 6.5 pH I hope she responds well for this last push to harvest.
  16. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    I agree and strides have been made here in the U.S. towards that end. I have my feed ready for the plant tomorrow if the ground is dry. She's looking a bit worn but hanging in there.
  17. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    This plant is keeping me jumping. Today it looks bit worse with some additional yellowing leafs at ground level. A bit more leaf margins have become a lighter green/yellowish in the mid and upper sections of the plant. This is still not a "widespread" condition but no heading in the...
  18. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Yep, the bottle says "3%" Hydrogen Peroxide. I haven't found any 35% food grade H202. I don't think I've ever asked you but can you tell me a bit about your setup? You mentioned the CFLs don't do great for flowering but with me being a small grower I rationalized that it's the best fit...
  19. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    I took a sample of soil from about 6 inches deep and mixed with a small amount of 6.5 pH distilled water resulting in a reading of 6.1 pH. Not bad. I'll check container weight for weight. The hydrogen peroxide concentration was 3%. I like your "double fault" analogy. Very...