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  1. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Thanks for the peptalk Robro. Being a tennis player I sort of expect instant feedback if I make a good or bad shot. On the plus side the soil pH has been coming up and is now hovering closer to 7 when I mix some soil from about an inch under surface with a bit of distilled 6.7 pH corrected...
  2. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Is it my impatience or are these AK47 auto buds just too damn small for Day 53 into the grow?
  3. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    The data coming from the flush was a bit squirrely. First I put 2 gallons of 7.0pH water in. The runoff was 52 ppm @ 5.6 pH. I followed that up with about a liter of water containing 2 teaspoons of lime. Runoff now changed to 62 ppm and 6.1 pH. Sounds good so far and I like the pH...
  4. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    I checked plant this morning and it doesn't look any worse and leaves do look perkier. Plant container is about as light as I have felt it in a long time. The affected leaves still do not constitute the major part of plant but rather some with very tips of fan leaves brown (mostly towards...
  5. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    The plant still looks about the same....leaves a bit droopy but not much more (or less) in the way of yellowing. I did notice a bit of yellowing on the margins of some leaves. I have some pics. I'm going to hold off watering until tomorrow which will be 3 days since last watering to...
  6. pirate43a

    Return of the claw?

    My plant is looking similar to yours Messi. I'm a first time grower and also looking for advice here. I did a quick check of my SOIL pH by mixing a small amount of it in distilled water and found it to be 5.4 pH. I've been regularly watering the plant with 6.4-6.6 water but probably...
  7. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    I shoot for 6.4-6.5 pH water in but sometimes I miss the mark a bit. Is 6.5-6.8 the range you have found works best with autos? If so, that will be my new target range since I'm shooting in the dark here. The wife agrees that overwatering might be the root (no pun intended) of this...
  8. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Pot is around 7 gallons so it's pretty heavy anyway but yes it does seem a bit on the heavy side even when I water. Hopefully someone will see this reply and chime in on if they also think Mg deficiency is playing a part in the yellowing.
  9. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    I reviewed my journal and actually I did give a light feeding yesterday.
  10. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Robro alert! Tonight I noticed some definite general leaf drooping PLUS a set of leaves at ground level were yellowing. The yellow leaves are sort of tucked in the interior of the plant so maybe light deficiency has something to do with that. I'll include a screen print of my last few...
  11. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    I'm barely feeding her now. Only 304 ppm. Do you think it's better to not give a higher concentration or risk having a nute deficiency? From the Fox Farm feeding schedule a full feeding should be in the range of 1330-1470 ppm with next week jumping to 2100-2240 ppm so I'm well below...
  12. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    "plant1" is still going skyward to the tune of 17" tall and 33" wide. If I'm reading it right I can see over 30 bud locations. Please look at pictures to see if you agree.
  13. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Yesterday I swapped out my two 3500K CFL's for two 2700K CFLs. I'm going to swap out several of my 6500K bulbs with 2700K bulbs today, but not all. Plant is looking good.
  14. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Okay, you have me curious about HPS lights. I keep reading that heat is the major downside to HPS. I have no real way to vent heat out. How do you handle it? I remember you mentioning that you vent smell up a chimney. Is that the way you vent the heat also? My CFLs only seem to...
  15. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Aside from a slight leaf droop from lack of water she is looking really good. My 50% promix 50% perlite soil doesn't hold water for long so daily watering is now necessay. From the pictures submitted earlier you can tell she continues to grow at a good pace. What I'm noticing is the entire...
  16. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Is this plant now budding? I don't know what to look for.....
  17. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Good options. I've also been looking at Purple Wreck but haven't researched it much. I now have my camera at home and took some photos of the small amount of leaf damage. It isn't widespread at all and this morning I added 3 liters of 6.4 water to plant (the leaves where a bit droopy)...
  18. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Merry Christmas Robro. If you have a moment I'd like you opinion. Since I'm thinking of growing only one or two plants for my next grow I was considering NOT growing an autoflowering plant but rather going for a feminized strain. I'd continue with my CFL setup in my grow tent but...
  19. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Since my existing plant seems to be going along nicely (although I have no previous plant to compare it with) I believe I'm not going to try to monkey with the SOIL pH during this grow. Instead I'll just work up a SOIL pH correct soil mix during my next grow.
  20. pirate43a

    My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine

    Great site and I've copied some of the info for future reference. Is there a way to change SOIL pH at my plants stage of growth? I'm going to test the soil using the method in the link to verify what pH it is but sounds like I need to move SOIL pH closer to 6.2 if it's not there yet...