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  1. G

    Brown Spots on Fan Leaves

    dwc+top feed system. 250w cfl, 24/0. sprouted on jan23, tomorrow marks 3 weeks. have been strictly on distilled water ph'd to between 5-7...its been fluctuating due to rockwool/hydroton. is this signifying to start veg nutes? or should i still run with water and add calmag...
  2. G

    Root rot elimination for 100% recovery - Confirmation needed!

    yea listen to superstoner, he grows a pound a week, hes a kingpin. lmfao.
  3. G

    Cap(don't make fun of me) Controller bucket leaking

    Some people would enjoy making fun of him because this forum is filled with trolls.
  4. G

    My plants are so small after a Month!

    I'm a little noob-noob, but I'd say the size of your pots & amount of medium.
  5. G

    Has anyone tried this?

    Turning a 20/4 light schedule into 5/1/5/1/5/1/5/1 meaning 5 on, 1 off, 5 on, 1 off, 5 on, 1 off, 5 on, 1 off for an auto? Obviously would be a waste with a photoperiod plant, but what about an auto? Just curious as to what the outcome would be... Or what that would do in general..
  6. G

    First Grow! Could use some help/advice

    go jack some more threads losers
  7. G

    First Grow! Could use some help/advice

    Yall win. I don't have anymore time to dedicate to reaponding to pointless people.
  8. G

    First Grow! Could use some help/advice

    You have a point unlike superstoner, who thinks they're some God-like creature because they put enough seeds in the ground to get a brick a week. You may think you know what you're doing, but cannabis related science is loosely documented besides these forums with first-hand experience. So Mr...
  9. G

    First Grow! Could use some help/advice

    Does that make you feel like someone important? Last time I checked, that doesn't make you anybody special. You're still a nobody.
  10. G

    First Grow! Could use some help/advice

    That's because you're not DOers. The same reason I stopped going to college. I don't need to sit in a classroom or put my face in front of a computer screen and constantly read without trying for 2 months. I DO it, and then learn from the experience. I just have that attitude. If you want to sit...
  11. G

    Feeding Autoflowers

    Surfer Joe and EGrower, Thanks for the helpful information.
  12. G

    First Grow! Could use some help/advice

    I'd rather do, fail, learn...which is how most people actually learn. Thanks for the slam though, such a wonderful person you are! Ha.
  13. G

    Feeding Autoflowers

    my setup is DWC+top feed and my dumbass fed them nutes right away. i dumped and cleaned my rez and not just have the rock wool cubes ssitting alone in netcups and am dipping them in distilled water every few hours or when they seem to start drying out. anyway, im told to wait until the root is...
  14. G

    First Grow! Could use some help/advice

    yea i did some dumb stuff for my 1st time. fed em nutes and didnt wash hydroton rocks lol. as of now i got my 3 sprouts in cubes and am dipping them in distilled water from walmart which gives a real good yellow on ph kit every few hours or when they seem to start drying
  15. G

    Nutes in Seedlings....

    Thanks for the replies guys. i dumped and cleaned the rez and am doing a serious soak/rinse of the hydroton rocks. i never knew to rinse them, hopefully all is salvageable. my 4th seedling sprouted weird coming out of the rockwool cube and bent and snapped...not sure if that normal, i believe i...
  16. G

    Nutes in Seedlings....

    i believe i just did the same. i immediately put them in rockwool cubes in my dwc + top feed setup with Root 66 and Sugar Daddy nutes from Technaflora and began top feeding them. they sprouted and look healthy but im constantly seeing on here that its bad for seedlings so im gonna dump the rez...
  17. G

    First Grow! Could use some help/advice

    i finally got my temps under control in the low to mid 80s. the hygrometer sucks and isnt even giving me a reading so i bought a small cheap hygrometer and a personal humidifier to bring that % up. 2 plants fully sprouted and the 3rd one looks like it will sprout by tomorrow. as for the fourth...
  18. G

    First Grow! Could use some help/advice

    i put nutes in the reservior...but i cut them in half because i heard too much nutrients for seedlings can stress them. but i wasnt aware that no nutes should be used at all. with the nutes i balanced my ph to as close to 6 as possible. should i immediately replace my rez with ph balanced water...
  19. G

    First Grow! Could use some help/advice

    i do hope i can keep the lower humidity during the last few weeks of flower before as ive read its fabulous for trich production
  20. G

    First Grow! Could use some help/advice

    ahhhh i get it now. its marking the fluctuation within the box. that cleared it up, sometimes its just gotta click in my head lol thank you