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  1. Hoenhiem

    The offical Random thought, chat about anything. No particular subject thread.

    kinda sleepy, thinkin about tokin up b4 bed but dont want to waste the high. even though i harvested a few zips for personal use recently. eyes burning and i just chopped my sat dom plant my house stinks so good, im hungry but i will sleep and eat in the morning. #random thoughts are cool. no...
  2. Hoenhiem

    seeds germinate an urgence problem pleeeese

    i dont want to be the doomsday bringer but if you put them in the freezer and they froze that may be why they havent sprouted. i get 95% germ ratio by letting them soak in ph'ed water with superthrive until they sink. if they dont sink they are trash. once they do they go directly to soil. just...
  3. Hoenhiem

    Stoner Photography

    i dont see color. all i see is green:weed:
  4. Hoenhiem

    Stoner Photography

    howz these?
  5. Hoenhiem

    Stoner Photography

    i think i like this thread. i have a sick camera ill try to put it to use bbl
  6. Hoenhiem

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    dude that sucks. but she still a beauty. you just have to forget what she used to look like. nice one
  7. Hoenhiem

    songs from the 90s you still like

    i was in cali as a teen when this came out. I LOVE IT!nxZc2aIr9Fps&feature=fvst
  8. Hoenhiem

    songs from the 90s you still like

  9. Hoenhiem

    songs from the 90s you still like

    i dont like conforming 6Ejga4kJUts&ob=av2e understand that im black and from the hood. b4 we had cable this song used to come on the "jukebox" it fkn rox!
  10. Hoenhiem

    *eats pocky from your hand and rolls eyes with delight* this is the good life lol

    *eats pocky from your hand and rolls eyes with delight* this is the good life lol
  11. Hoenhiem

    I hate my hands....

    #random i hate my left hand. its always complaining that im cheating on it with the right.... stupid hands im a two hand kinda guy. playa playa:mrgreen::blsmoke:
  12. Hoenhiem

    thank you. its what i use for a good night of fun! btw i love yr profile pic

    thank you. its what i use for a good night of fun! btw i love yr profile pic
  13. Hoenhiem

    Rootbound then transplanted and still having problems

    yes. thats a good way to interrupt the circling of roots without disturbing the root ball. she will be fine. goodluck
  14. Hoenhiem

    when to kill

    they might yes. but it wouldnt have anything to do with the ones you found. kill them immediately. your 1 week into bloom and if females are in there they could begin to show at any minute. all it takes is a miniscule amount to pollinate. kill them kill them dead... unless you want seeds. if so...
  15. Hoenhiem

    Hermi found .. what to do ?

    you should be fine as long as your diligent. did you find the sacks or nanners? thats the question. if nanners than its already dropped the baby gravy. if sacks then you caught it in time. keep a close eye and a pair of scissors handy. goodluck
  16. Hoenhiem

    T-5 vs 1000 hps

    never seen a vert fluorescent light other than a cfl. intersting though
  17. Hoenhiem

    I hate my hands....

    well damn? with 58 posts too.
  18. Hoenhiem

    Debut grow!! Blue Himalaya Auto

    oh yeah. they do. in fact those trichs on the bud leaves mature faster than the trichs on the bud themselves. so be careful when inspecting for ripeness if that the route you choose to determine that they match. i had amber trichs on my bud leaves weeks before my buds turned amber. those leaves...
  19. Hoenhiem

    Rootbound then transplanted and still having problems

    listen dude if your getting too much info from too many sources take into account what you need and discard all other crap. the fact is if your rootbound you need to transplant. #fact. if your question is "will it stress a flowering plant too much" that remains to be seen. but a day or so of...
  20. Hoenhiem

    Debut grow!! Blue Himalaya Auto

    its normal buddy. dont think too much of it. b4 u know it more white will grow. lookin good man