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  1. darksys

    quick question

    all my fucking plants are males WTF
  2. darksys

    quick question

    FUCK me its a male
  3. darksys

    quick question

    that isnt a male. its only 2 1/2 weeks into flowering
  4. darksys

    quick question

  5. darksys

    quick question

    males get sacs these are little sacs with buds on the top it isnt a male
  6. darksys

    quick question

    ok i put my plants into flowering about 2 1/2 weeks ago i think they are budding but the buds look a little weird little balls are forming under the bud is this seeds? or what is this?
  7. darksys

    what use is this stuff?

    nevermind 1/4 tsp in early flowering stage
  8. darksys

    what use is this stuff?

  9. darksys

    first time ever / experimenting

    sounds good man good luck
  10. darksys

    first time ever / experimenting

    all depends on how much money u want to spend bro HPS is the best
  11. darksys

    these developing buds?

    well it has no sac's nuts might be a hermie they bud right? but also produce seeds
  12. darksys

    these developing buds?

    you decide
  13. darksys

    these developing buds?

    think it might be a hermie no sign of nuts gonna snap a pic of it
  14. darksys

    these developing buds?

    i have 2 ladys and a big ass male i think no nuts yet
  15. darksys

    these developing buds?

    2 weeks Grade A Bag seed
  16. darksys

    first time ever / experimenting

    they aint much money florecent tubes like 10$ a pop
  17. darksys

    first time ever / experimenting

    ok heres what u do go to a hardware store the home depot buy some Florescent tubes for now because helgon lights suck they will burn your babies put the florescent tubes 2 inches from the top of the babies and watch em grow bro
  18. darksys


    yes do it bro just take some more time to get buds but it will be well worth it make it a clone factory lol
  19. darksys


    na man just clone the shit out of them lol
  20. darksys

    first time ever / experimenting

    what lights are u using?