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  1. MarijuanaDopeSmoke

    Dark Brown and Yellowed Leaves, HELP!

    Its a miracle gro seedling mix(i know not to use miracle grow but its light on nutes) i think the the levels are .05 - .05 - .05, but it might even be less concentrated. THey are 31/2 - 41/2 weeks old( i bought them a week or two old off a grower).
  2. MarijuanaDopeSmoke

    Dark Brown and Yellowed Leaves, HELP!

    Here is a pk clone ive been growing at a friends that was rooted about a month ago, theyere under 2 T5's, 24 hour light and being watered daily, no nutes so far. Im going over tomorrow to check it out but need some help. This one was taller than most of the others so it could be light burn cause...
  3. MarijuanaDopeSmoke

    Pre-Guerilla Grow

    So my guerilla grow fell through this year,but i will be attempting one again next year and am planning well in advance. Firstly I will be getting soil tested at a lab and need to know what to test for, at the lab near me I can chose from two packages and/or individual elements of the soil...
  4. MarijuanaDopeSmoke


    ive been using tap and bottled water, have no idea what the ph is. they are in little trays like this Im also using two U-shaped 13w fluorescent bulbs from a regular desk lamp
  5. MarijuanaDopeSmoke


    I have about 20 seedlings that were very healthy a week ago, i think they also stretched too much towards the light at first too. they are begging to droop and shrivel up. The temp is about 26C and 48 Humidity. Im using pro mix seedling mix. WHATS GOING ON!!!
  6. MarijuanaDopeSmoke

    Fist Guerilla Grow-Need Advice

    So all of this is going into full swing in the coming 2-3 weeks and i have a few questions. How far should apart should plants be placed and how high should chicken wire be around a patch(there are definetly deer). Are there any other animal deterants out there too? Im going to have some in a...
  7. MarijuanaDopeSmoke

    Seedling Environment

    ok, so i had to make an emergency move and now the babies are at a friends house but they were taken out of light for about 5 hours. Is this going to affect the light cycle or shock the plants? it happened between 6pm and 11pm so its would not fall into the outdoor light cycle either.
  8. MarijuanaDopeSmoke

    Seedling Environment

    Im using 2 13w U-shaped fluorescents with around 700 lumen output per(2 normal desk lamps) and I also wanted to know how close these babies can get to the bulbs without getting harmed, and im probably going to use a clear plastic bag to cover them for the next 1-3 days as a humidity dome and im...
  9. MarijuanaDopeSmoke

    Seedling Environment

    I just germinated about 20 seeds and sprouted nicely now, they about 1-2 inch's in height and I just put a thermometer/humidity gauge my guetto grow box. I have a heating pad under it set to warm(the heating pad works for 2-hours before automatically shutting off, so I turn it on 2-3 times a...
  10. MarijuanaDopeSmoke

    Sprouting Lights

    They germinated and sprouted nicely now, they about 1-2 inch's in height and I just put a thermometer/humidity gauge in the grow box. I have a heating pad under it set to warm(the heating pad works for 2-hours before automatically shutting off, so I turn it on 2-3 times a day(4-6 hours of added...
  11. MarijuanaDopeSmoke

    Sprouting Lights

    OK, so i have three more questions, first I'm going to be using some seedling soil mix from canadian tire for 15$ and just wanted to make sure this would be fine. Second, im using red/white drinking cups to put germinated seeds in, is this ok and do I have to cut holes in the cup. And thirdly...
  12. MarijuanaDopeSmoke

    Sprouting Lights

    Im going to be growing in the next month and need to sprout my seeds for 2-3 weeks somewhere before transplanting them outside. I will probably end up putting the under my bed where I have about 30cm of clearance. What are the best(preferably cheap) lights to use here and how close can they...
  13. MarijuanaDopeSmoke

    Fist Guerilla Grow-Need Advice

    OK, so here's what I've got so far, made a few changes to original plan: Southern Ontario Strain: The strain I plan on using can be found here, its called Summertime Buddha and is developped for ontario climates and they are ok priced.(I might also get feminised White Widow off Seedsman...
  14. MarijuanaDopeSmoke

    Power!Breakers and Watts

    So, im looking to start an indoor grow in the coming weeks and was wondering about power if I am ever going to upgrade. Ive seen both ultimate grow video's and many other grow ops(on youtube etc) where more than one 1000w HID is being used and wondering how this is set up. Im pretty sure a...
  15. MarijuanaDopeSmoke

    Fist Guerilla Grow-Need Advice

    OK, so here's what I've got so far, made a few changes to original plan: Southern Ontario Strain: The strain I plan on using can be found here, its called Fast Pine and is developped for ontario climates and they are fairly cheap.(Although I may consider the Afghani Gold)...
  16. MarijuanaDopeSmoke

    Marijuana Movies!

    haha, very true my friend forgot to add those
  17. MarijuanaDopeSmoke

    Marijuana Movies!

    Hello everyone, im a fan of marijuana documentaries and feature films, here is a list of all the documentaries i know of along with some good pot films, if you know of any others or care to comment please do! Documentaries: Waiting to Inhale - great movie on people who are actually in need of...
  18. MarijuanaDopeSmoke

    Fist Guerilla Grow-Need Advice

    sounds good, im still not sure whether im looking to use grow bags(suposedly burlap sacks work well too instead of plastic) or amend my soil with the earth soil. If im using grow bags though, should I be using perlite? Does anyone recommend either way or is it more of a cost issue? Also im most...
  19. MarijuanaDopeSmoke

    Fist Guerilla Grow-Need Advice

    On hillybobs soil mix it says to use different mixes for veg and flowering, but i wont be able to transplant these guys when the time comes. How important are nutes? and could go with JUST : 5 parts coco-coir or sphagnum peat moss 3 parts perlite 2 parts worm castings (1 cup of lime per cubic...
  20. MarijuanaDopeSmoke

    Fist Guerilla Grow-Need Advice

    Would anyone recommend just mixing my grow medium with the outside soil to save money, and do the grow bags need to be perforated for drainage into the ground, or are they fine as is? Also when lookng for a grow spot, what direction should the most sunlight be coming from?