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    Go Michigan State GO!!!

    THEY WON. Best Basketball game Ive watched in a while.
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    A Quick-Dry process I want to share

    Forced air heating and cooling. Radiant heat has long been out. Alot of homes still do have it, but not many new homes get built with it. At least none of the ones Ive been in. Mostly cookie cutter sub division homes. I personally dont care for it. Too dry for my taste...and my plants!!!
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    NYCD 97 days

    Some of those look plain mutant. Cool looking how some of them exploded at the very tips.
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    My First Harvest Afghan 54 days

    They look good but it seems the newb anxiousness got to ya. Way to waste 54 days. J/K man Good job , youd be happier if you waited
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    Nute Burn? Overheat? Please help this little girl!

    WOW. First of all, a plant that young should be getting NO NUTES. Your soil should have plenty for the first 7-14 days. Your WAY TOO on top of things this early in the grow. Leave the fucking thing alone for a couple days. Let it get its legs under it and start growing. Some seedlings just...
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    ~90 Temps - Nothing I can do

    But if you had 2 FRIDGES................
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    Check my Trich's - First grow - Day 17 : 12/12

    Just dont roll up your kid and smoke it after hes grown, might not work out for ya so well. Plants look good though.
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    My personal GARDEN

    I appreciate the kind words. This is my 3rd run with cfls, and I have been quite lucky. Potency hasnt been the best on the first three but was not bad overall. Free being the biggest factor. All were bagseed. This is my first time with a known genetic strand, too bad I dont know which one . LOL
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    growing with gatorade

    Maybe the sugars, similar to molasses if mixed in small enough doses could make a difference. But to water with pure gatorade sounds FUCKING EXPENSIVE!!! Damn near $2.50 a liter. I have seen the jugs of powder concentrate some places. Who knows...... TRY IT AND REPORT BACK TO US!!!!!
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    My personal GARDEN

    Just a few pics from today. Started flowering on the 21st of March. The first and third pic are bagseed, the 2nd (and largest of the three) is an Indoor mix from Nirvana. So it could be Skunk#1 Master Kush Afghan PPP or Nirvana Special, Who knows. It's kinda shitty when they throw em all in the...
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    Plant the planet 4:20 2009

    Anyone else in this with me? Been saving seeds for some time now. Have 80-100 that I will Disperse throughout the planet on said date, maybe a few days before or after depending on weather. Id like em to have the best chance at maturity. Gonna put em everywhere
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    my babies thriving w/ 14CFLs and one question...

    They look like they are growing good, nice and stout no stretching. Remember to flip the lights to 12/12 somewhat early I made the mistake of letting mine get to 14 inches tall before flipping and they are now 48 inches 2 weeks later Your also going to need A LOT MORE LIGHT to get all those to...
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    LEDs are getting better!!!

    If a pill sized light can emit as much light as a 600w street light, we should have no problem feeding/and outgrowing the world. Lets hope this isnt too good to be true, or too expensive to be any good.
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    how long ya think?

    They look like you have all sorts of problems. Why are all the leaves curling/dying???
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    New white hairs with only a week left into flowering?!?

    Those look full of seeds already, have they been pollinated?
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    Water out of my tap at 8 PH!

    If your using Gen Hydro Ph up/down I recommend you switch to AN or Europonics Gen Hyd I have heard tons of people say they have to use a shitload to make any adjustment. A few drops of my europonics ph down in 3 gallons of water drops my ph significantly more than a half point. Maybe your...
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    foliar often, how long???

    On Nat GEO they were applying pesticides not foilar feeding, That was probly neem oil or some other safe pesticide. No need to spray buds with water. only during vegg unless you are treating a problem. or BUGS
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    fox farm lovers

    FF grow big and tigerbloom are both CHEMICAL fertilizers that are ORGANIC BASED, dont let that all natural shit fool you. The only one that is 100% organic is the BIG BLOOM thats why you use it in Grow and FLOWER stages along with the other two. ORGANIC BASED!!!!
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    My daily prescription

    I usually go through about a ounce a week, between me and my lady. 2-3 jts a day on weekdays, 6-8 on the weekends. By summer my 5 sexy bitch plant grow will be done and Im sure those numbers will increase dramatically.
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    smokout sessions while driving??

    I like to toast a few hits on my daily 1.5 hour commute. Usually roll one for the way home in the morning. Smoke half of it right when I get out of work, then the rest when I get home to unwind. Nothing like bumpin some Stevie Ray or Marley while stoned on the way home. I have never had a...