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    Vortex/ Jet engine

    You really need to mount that thing on bungy cords to dampen the vibration. Rather than a solid fixed mount to the ceiling, you need 4 to 6 rubber straps to hang it from. They will dampen the vibrations that the fan transfers to the ceiling. Moving that much air is going to make some kind of...
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    Best ph meter under $75

    My buddy is looking for a decent ph meter along with the calibration solutions for around 80$ What do you have and how much cheddar did ya spend on it. Do you find it to be accurate?
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    Amber or Not so Amber?

    They will change, be patient. You will start seeing some then a bunch then everywhere. Thats when Its time when 30-40% are amber, begin your flush when you see about 10% amber. It takes a couple weeks at least after they begin changing.
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    Changing from clear to cloudy to amber

    It fucking takes forever. Just wait it out. There is no specific timetable when you dont know what your growing. Kind of like asking when a human child will go through and finish puberty....WHO KNOWS It takes a while for some and a couple days for others
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    The most you have ever smoked!!!

    My Woman and I smoke about an Ounce every 2 days. Smoked 4 ounces in 5 days, when I went to Amsterdam. I would say the most ever was 25 blunts for my 25th birthday. Each blunt had a little under a quarter in them. so call it 3-4 ounces in 8 hours. About 3 an hour or a blunt every 20 minutes...
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    uninvited, staying a few days

    It may fuck them up a bit and make them take a little longer to get back on schedule. But I am assuming they will maybe be ok. Might stress them a bit. Tell Uninvited your roomate got sprayed by a skunk, no place to stay but skunk room, or just tell them you moved..............To Tahiti.
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    Can you use Hydroponic nutrients for soil garden??

    Seems like you would want to just take it back, and get the right stuff. I mean maybe it wont really matter, but why take a chance? Why make more guess work out of an already question laden subject. If it was mail order then I kind of see the point. But if it was me, I'd go buy the stuff for...
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    extractor before or after cooltube ?

    The majority will tell you to Pull the air away from it not push it through. Fans are more efficient that way.
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    168 Hour blackout?

    48 hours any more and your robbing yourself. The plant begins to die with no light, why would you want to deprive it of light
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    desired moisture content? Humidor storage?

    Most GOOD humidors are adjustable, crank it down a bit and use it.
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    fresh buds for BHO???

    What the fuck is BHO?
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    pH Issue or Mg Def? (pics)

    Is your meter accurate? That looks like a classic case of PH spotting and lockout.
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    do seeds have better yield than clone

    Those are the biggest pictures EVER MADE
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    I Broke the number one rule, I am stupid.

    In this situation, I am a bit different. Although the only people that know about my grow are growing themselves. Its a very close group of friends, that all help each other. It may be the number one rule, but there are exceptions. We all mutually decided to start making our own medicine rather...
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    OK.. Last Time.. Rockwool or Jiffy Peat Pellets?

    I just use dirt. Saves time money and space as I always have some FF LW or OF on hand already.
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    Give it Up for Michael Phelps!

    With that motherfuckers lungs I bet he can drag down the fattest bowl you have. Whoever is after him in the circle is shit out of luck.
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    Bought A Bag From A Stranger.

    Saw a guy today, out walking with my dog. He was smokin a joint shoveling his walkway. I said smells good my man, he said want a hit, I said sure, and smoked 2 more inside. He was an old stoner. I always thought he was a dick, to my surprise, he's a cool fucker. And had some great spicy fuck you...
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    White Lighter? Bad Luck?

    Live a little would ya bud!!!! If only I had the time to look up a news article in a small local paper from 15 years ago. Of course its exaggerated its a bar fight story ON THE INTERNET. The general subject matter is all facts, and I wouldnt post about this and post articles to the exact bar...
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    Sing to your plants!

    I installed a sound system for my plants, They hear great music the entire time the lights are on. I play nature sounds when the light is off. They LOVE IT. Helps me sleep hearing it way off in the distance in my bedroom. I practice and play guitar in the room that contains the grow , they hear...
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    my wifes cloning technique...

    This is actually a good technique for some medical growers that have a limit on the number of plants, you can root the cutting directly on the plant, therefore not counting as a separate plant until its time to stick it in the soil and veg it.