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  1. D

    Downtown Petaluma

    thats awesome man. my aunt lives there. isnt it kinda cold down there for outdoor? I guess thats a stupid question cuz those buds look DANK! happy growin my friend
  2. D

    Late outdoor grow sacramento... Take two...

    nice girls and nice dogs. happy growin my man
  3. D

    How long before ready to harvest?

    get a small magifying glass or better yet a 20x jewlers magnifying glass and when your trichombs get CLOUDY, not amber, then your ready to go. your plants look great tho man. they look like they are getting close.
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    white gunk

    dont quote me, but I had something that sounds similar on my girl. and this might sound crazy but you know those little white things that are in your soil? Well those things get stuck to the bottom of the stem and it looks like they are growing out of the stem. That might not be it but its worth...
  5. D

    Plant yellowing from center outwards?

    wow if this happened right after the first time you gave her nutes, and that yellowing sounds like nute burn. I would give her straight water the next few times until she looks a little better, then I would start giving giving her half of the nutes you just gave her. If she starts coloring like...
  6. D

    leaves curling help

    ya your temp is too hot
  7. D

    shortness of light!!!!!

    just keep a schedule written down and if your lights turn off again because of the power, just look at your schedule and turn the lights on or off depending on what they need. it wont hurt them to mess with the lights a little bit. happy growin
  8. D

    seedling straight up at night?

    totally normal
  9. D

    Nutrient Question

    Hey guys, I have an outdoor lavender plant that is just now starting to bud. I have been giving her Terra Vega (2-1-3) and now I want to switch her to the flowering nutes (Terra Flora). Should I stop giving her the veg. nutes for like a week or so before I start giving her the flowering nutes...
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    Nutrient Question

    Hey guys, I have an outdoor lavender plant that is just now starting to bud. I have been giving her Terra Vega (2-1-3) and now I want to switch her to the flowering nutes (Terra Flora). Should I stop giving her the veg. nutes for like a week or so before I start giving her the flowering nutes...
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    Nutrient Question

    Hey guys, I have an outdoor lavender plant that is just now starting to bud. I have been giving her Terra Vega (2-1-3) and now I want to switch her to the flowering nutes (Terra Flora). Should I stop giving her the veg. nutes for like a week or so before I start giving her the flowering nutes...
  12. D

    Indica Auto , 4 weeks flowering buds to small ?? 100% Organic

    it looks normal to me. some strains dont produce those big hefty nugs. but the ones they do produce are super dank! happy growin
  13. D

    so i thought water, heat, and a fan = humidity?

    lose all those fans bro. your getting hella humidity but your pushin the air around so much that your losing all of it. Id do exactly what your doing but turn your fans down to like one fan on low and see how that works.
  14. D

    check the pics tell me what you think

    ya you deffinately need to transplant them into bigger pots with new soil. I think your using too much nutes so either use about a quarter of what you have been using every other time you water. the other times just use pure water. once she's healthy again use about half of the nutes you were...
  15. D

    What do you think my plants

    they look fine but i'd put her inside under some florescents on an 18 off 6 on light cycle. that will keep her from budding until she gets bigger
  16. D

    why is my bud growing so damn slow!?!?

    ya bro deffinately lower the light to where its about 6in from the top of the plants. your just going to have to raise the light as the plants grow. and I know your going to hate to hear this but you have to stop using miracle gro. ITS HORRIBLE FOR YOUR PLANT. its great for roses or lillys but...
  17. D

    why is my bud growing so damn slow!?!?

    to be honest with you man, Iv'e had em go both ways. Sometimes they just get a little stunted for a while then they spring up. I would try lowering the light a little bit so she can get as much light as possibe in those 18 hrs. Thats all i really got without pics man.
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    Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)

    i like where your headed stealthy. everything is lookin good. happy growin
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    HELP!!!! I'm a newbie....

    im thinking the "purpose" is to smoke it. what the hell do you do with it Bonzi? I think frog knows what hes talkin about but it sounds expensive. whats your budget like?
  20. D

    Drying samples??

    go buy a little 20x magnifying glass unless you already have one. and i wouldn't even think about harvesting until 9 out of 10 of your trics are cloudy. as for drying id go with what everyone else said as far as humidity and place to dry. its pretty hard to let your plant flower for too long...