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  1. Robert520

    So I just smoked a J.....and nothing

    its the best feeling in the world , and each strain is different some weed gets you high real fast some takes longer then theres mellow highs and ect youll know.
  2. Robert520

    what to do?

    and on another note, you should put a clearer picture of yourself for you avatar DONT HIDE FROM US STONEY!
  3. Robert520

    Fellow Texans

    i have big dreams just stay tuned for the magic.
  4. Robert520

    what to do?

    aww come on stoney ill be honest i wasent 18 when i joined this forum yet you people belived in me and now i acutally have 4 that didnt get killed going and thriving they are in their preflower, this force is strong in this one leave him be
  5. Robert520

    what mmorpg do you play?

    ahh i dont like trials if i play i game i get really into it only 30 days :((( and i cant pay for a game anymore
  6. Robert520

    Fellow Texans

    you know thats exactly what i was thinking.
  7. Robert520

    what to do?

    all you need is trust and if you cant trust family to keep a secret then you cant trust noone
  8. Robert520

    what mmorpg do you play?

    has anyone heard of tibia? its a 2d rpg/text based game its kinda cheesy but that was a cool game when i was like 12-14
  9. Robert520

    Fellow Texans

    i think texas should remove itself from the united states and become its own country , texas is the only state that can break off and do that if im not correct? then we could make weed legal in texas , problem solved .... but how to do it.:confused:
  10. Robert520

    what mmorpg do you play?

    Daoc was acutally a really good game i played it for about 4 years with my dad daoc was WoW until WoW came out.
  11. Robert520

    what to do?

    at least it was your parents that found out and not someone else, if they smoke then you can keep the secret between you 3 and share the experiance of growing with the whole family
  12. Robert520

    what mmorpg do you play?

    i used to play Dark Age Of Camelot then wow came out stupid fucks...right now im playing a racing mmo upshift strikeracer you race and you can shoot peoples cars up with missles and machine guns attached to your car it roxzors
  13. Robert520

    Duct Tape Patching

    so yea awhile back my glass steamroller broke a big chunk off down the side so i just took the duct tape to it and its working beautiful again even though it looks ghetto as hell duct tape really does fix everything:mrgreen:
  14. Robert520

    Smoking out of a glass pipe

    its kinda like smoking your first cig i absolutely hated it , it burned and tasted awful but now i smoke them and enjoy them
  15. Robert520

    Boy, Girl, Both?

    its def hermie it has both the destinctive white hairs and the seed or pollen pods on it
  16. Robert520

    Boy, Girl, Both?

    yup its a hermie idk if it was me id stomp the bitch into the ground but idk it might be worth keeping
  17. Robert520

    When to start 09 season

    dont start 09 grow until 09 and it depends whenever it stops dropping below say 60-70 degrees would be a good time , march for me i live in houston.
  18. Robert520

    Sorry I haven't been around in a while....

    sorry for this double post but shit like this really pisses me off , if you get ahold of him i got so many ideas for torture its not funny youd think i was insane and did for a living....O.o or do i. start with his hands and feet cut the webs between every finger and toe and add a dash of salt...
  19. Robert520

    Sorry I haven't been around in a while....

    ill straight up beat a bitches ass for doing that shit just hit me up hes just a bully but hes not the biggest one i can bet its one thing to do it to a renter whos a dickhead period but someone on disability fuck that take a pipe to his ass and let him know what its ganna be like in jail for him
  20. Robert520

    Finish the sentence above you!

    the worlds going to end any day now anyway but just in case always bring an extra...