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  1. B

    Clones in Bottles (Pics)

    friggin lol.
  2. B

    Pics of clones day 4

    mine are doing something similar and i dont get it.
  3. B

    Ha Ha Ha Get A Load Of What Happened To Me Today

    lost my eye brows,..goatee and bangs.
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    Ha Ha Ha Get A Load Of What Happened To Me Today

    dude,..i blew a nitrous hit out (fat one) towards my friend who at this exact moment lit a bowl,.....the vapors caught the lighter,....flames engulfed us both,..mostly me, the flame crawled all the way to my face. damn scary.
  5. B

    Two Plants and Two Hermies

    pictures please bro,...
  6. B

    Pruning for light

    crazy,..i added molasses today for the 1st time,...noticed my clones perked up but my 2 kush's havnt done much yet,..only been 4 hours,....when u think i should see some kind of magic?
  7. B

    Well.... I got caught :(

    yeah,..not sure what would happen if they caught ME.....i have bad luck. I have had a felony for posession w/ intent to sell,...served my time, the felony exponges (which means it pretty much never happened),...but if i got caught growing,...i wonder if they could use that charge against...
  8. B

    What are they putting in this shit?

    wow,..this is how england rolls? im glad to be smoking my Southern California Kush!
  9. B

    CFL grow 12 days into flowering, pics..

    wow,..thanx bro! i guess i wont try army for deoderizing my skunk/kush plants. as for dry ice,..i thought that stuff was risky to handle n stuff?
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    Well.... I got caught :(

    i also heard a story,...of an old guy who had been growing a bushes/bushes in his back yard for years, one knew, one cared. one day a neighbor smells it, looks over the fence, calls the fuzz,..they show up,..go chop chop,..a paper was signed saying "i will never do this again blah blah"...
  11. B

    Well.... I got caught :(

    they were busted for allegedly selling marijuana,..which they were,..but at this present time, had no pot to sell. the plants were mostly clones, roots yet,..tons of them though. there were 2, large,rooted plants that were also taken,but it was like they just didnt care.? this was in los...
  12. B

    Try To Explain Your Salvia Trip!!!

    we1,..i understand completely. i too felt like my neck/upper back muscles pinched/tensed and i had no backpack on. it felt to me,...while being pulled thru my miserable meat grinder,..that i was floating and slowly coming back down,....praying this shit would end. it was almost like the nitrous...
  13. B

    Try To Explain Your Salvia Trip!!!

    aerograms experience is similar to mine. i felt i was leaving this universe,..and being pulled/sucked to another via meat grinder. (crzy,scary story) my friends and girl were waving goodbye,..telling me to "go with it" i later found out they were freaked out for me,...watching me spin around in...
  14. B

    Well.... I got caught :(

    dude,... so much depends on variables when getting caught growing,...what state,...what age, many plants,...past offenses,....roots present? (the law states roots must be present to be considered a plant,therefore early clones dont count) for 1,2,3 plants,..cops probably cant get a warrant...
  15. B

    CFL grow 12 days into flowering, pics..

    hey bro ,..whats in your box of arm n hammer? is it a mix of something,? maybe a co2 mix? im trying to figure out a way to get my plants some co2 without making a trip or purchase. i do have baking soda powder crap,...what else do i need?
  16. B

    Yes white leaves??

    well, clones are doing this,...i dont get it.
  17. B

    Purple branches

    good question bro. my 2 kush plants doin same thing,but not purple,...maroon?
  18. B

    Pruning for light

    hey guys. i am in 5th week of flower. I have not tried any nutes or additives yet,..other than miracle grow bloom crap,..which i dont care for much,..i mistakenly have pruned as welll,..quite a bit,during flowering. My plants may have been stunted.growth of buds wise,...but the crystal content...
  19. B

    A tip to you growers

    my plants look similiar to your avatar Platinum,...last thing i want to do is kill them.
  20. B

    A tip to you growers

    really? thankyou man. i will stop then. it seems most people really disagree with this practice based on acidity levels. i will stop. thanks folks.