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  1. ManiacBrainiac

    Something is eating my plants!

    That is funny! Sorry.:cry:
  2. ManiacBrainiac

    how low can you go?

    Hi growone. I did read your grow log about a month ago and was fascinated by the success you were having with such a low-wattage grow. At the time I thought that it must have something to do with the cylindrical shape of your grow space. In theory, a cylindrical tube would bounce light always...
  3. ManiacBrainiac

    GROw BOX HELP PLZ! 1st grow

    Hi. Using what you have, it is important to remember that when you move your plant to the flowering stage you must be able to keep the inside of the box in near total darkness for the dark periods. These dark periods should be uninterrupted. The reason I say this is because you mention cutting...
  4. ManiacBrainiac

    Indoor apartment small grow

    As for soil, I would purchase a high quality soil such as Fox Farm Ocean Forest, as it is highly recommended here. You can mix a portion of the soil with Perlite (sp?) to loosen up the soil, though I don't think the FFOF requires you to do this. Make sure the pot has decent-sized holes for...
  5. ManiacBrainiac

    Indoor apartment small grow

    I will be setting up a grow room soon and will be using 42W CFLs. I am just growing one plant at a time and thus will be using three 42W CFLs above and one on each side of the plant, for a total of seven CFLs. For veg all of the CFLs will be 6500K bulbs except one. The middle bulb of the three...
  6. ManiacBrainiac

    New Smoker/Grower need seed advise

    I, like you, am a lightweight. Frankly, I haven't smoked for decades, but did enjoy the good stuff when I did smoke. Amazingly, a very small piece of the bud in a pipe and I was gloriously high for hours. Recently purchased a few feminized seeds from Attitude. One is the Barney's Farm Utopia...
  7. ManiacBrainiac

    First ever grow - CFL Indoor - Journal

    Hey, refer to your mj plant as 'her' rather than 'him'. Bad luck referring to your plant as a male! :lol:
  8. ManiacBrainiac

    Diagnosis? First time grow at 5 weeks

    Well, since you are not get any replies to this, I will give you my non-expert opinion and maybe, just maybe, somebody will come along and call my opinion idiotic and give you some good advice.:-P It looks to me like a potassium deficiency which may be caused by too much sodium in the soil or...
  9. ManiacBrainiac

    Yet another 1st timer!!

    Looking good, erbalis.
  10. ManiacBrainiac

    How many bulbs do you need for flowering?

    I would agree that 4 26 watt 2700k for each plant. Of course, the side-by-side plants can share adjoining lights. I would also add one 46 watt 6500k above to add some blue light to help as well. I think it is better to spread the spectrum a bit--more natural.
  11. ManiacBrainiac

    a white fur bug. what is this?

    If you find more of these things, rubbing alcohol on a q-tip works. Just soak the little buggers. Also, clean up any white powdery stuff they leave behind--might be eggs!
  12. ManiacBrainiac

    When to take saran wrap off top of seedling/seed

    I would have thought that you would need to allow at least a little air in now and then. Wouldn't there be a chance that you might promote mold if you did not allow air in on occasion?
  13. ManiacBrainiac

    yellowing lower leaves

    What soil are you using? Are you using any nutrients? Do you have a pH meter? Is so, what is the pH reading? How often do you water your plants, and how often do you use nutrients, if you are using any?
  14. ManiacBrainiac

    a white fur bug. what is this?

    Yeah, they are nasty little buggers!
  15. ManiacBrainiac

    200w CFL Closet Grow!

    I am no expert, but I would say that your temperatures are fine. The 90s just under the bulb may be a bit high, but you are not sure of this temperature anyway. Are the leaves closest to the bulbs being harmed in any way? If not, I wouldn't worry about it. As for temperature fluctuations during...
  16. ManiacBrainiac

    a white fur bug. what is this?

    It's a mealy bug, my friend. You can read all about this little critter on wiki.