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  1. M

    Probation but havent got a first UA

    Ya im with ya. this is really really over the top. the thing is nothing was a controlled buy or anything. this whole case is going to jury trial and i hope this dick head cop comes in to testify. Im going to try and turn this on the cop for an illegal search. i was on my way home from a 2 and a...
  2. M

    Midwest USA

    name it and washington state has it. from beasters to top notch grand-daddy purp to mr nice guy to new york sour d's to heavens scent to urkle berry to urple purple to afghani to white widow to top notch trainwreck. If you got it most likely it all orginated from cali,oregon, and washington...
  3. M

    Brick Weed

    as my buddies would call it.. straight up shagggggg... haha. i personally wouldn't touch, let alone smoke it yuck. i can't stand the taste of hay and harsh that booboo not tryin to hate on anyone trading a bowl for a half ounce or however much you got. i mean you could make cookies out of...
  4. M

    Four ounces

    Id show you pictures if my attorney let me take my police report home of a QWAUP. Pic up the dro or else your be sorry. if you do that.. hide in an great place.. preferrably not underneith your subs in your trunk. they'll find it with a search warrent. trust me happened to me.
  5. M

    Probation but havent got a first UA

    So today in court i went in for a pre-trial for criminal amount of marijuana. I previously got caught with 117 grams of marijuana at the end of May, and today my attorney i needed to sign up for "Intake" which is after my first meeting with a probation officer. i never got UA'ed for my first...
  6. M

    New grower with Chocolate TY Unfortunately...

    Hello everyone. im new to posting but have been signed up on this website for over a half of a year now. My name is mike and live on the west coast. I have ran across a few questions for all you experienced ladies and gentlemen. I have a Chocolate Ty plant that was given to me from a friend that...