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  1. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's Auto Northern Lights CFL Grow

    The BM got messed up really due to the CFLs being too close and poor humidity. That's why I stress having the humidity atleast 45% minimum for the 1st 3 weeks. If you can keep it as high as 70-80&% that'll be even better. As far as cutting her down, I need something to smoke. Been going nuts...
  2. RollingDope708

    First grow, 2 NL Auto (Sensi Seeds) - 2x55w pl-l tube (for now)

    You shouldn't water them daily. every 4-6 days should be good since they're still starting out unless the medium is really dry. How many CFLs do you have so far? try the 26w if you can or higher. I think the watering daily is contributing to the droopiness of your plants. Besides that they look...
  3. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's Auto Northern Lights CFL Grow

    So I moved them,once again, to their new permanent home(my closet). I've also my new candy kush seed in a paper towel so I'm waiting on her to crack. Northern Lights(Emma)- Everything is going great for her. Nothing new except the fact she's finally putting on weight and the hairs are...
  4. RollingDope708

    First grow, 2 NL Auto (Sensi Seeds) - 2x55w pl-l tube (for now)

    I was reading your post and you said that fluorescent only operate under certain conditions, could you possibly post that or send me a link to that info. I'm intrigued by it. And so far so good man just try and keep the humidity up like I said and she'll be okay.
  5. RollingDope708

    First grow, 2 NL Auto (Sensi Seeds) - 2x55w pl-l tube (for now)

    My best suggestion is get add cups of water,mist the walls if possible,and put rolled up towels in the grow area. The higher the humidity the more easier it'll be for them to grow. But 45 is pretty alright.
  6. RollingDope708

    First grow, 2 NL Auto (Sensi Seeds) - 2x55w pl-l tube (for now)

    I'm not sure why mypost got cut short but it may be heat stress. Raise the lights some. Hows your humidity? Is it above 40?
  7. RollingDope708

    First grow, 2 NL Auto (Sensi Seeds) - 2x55w pl-l tube (for now)

    But overall everything looks good. Good luck bro. -RollingDope
  8. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's Auto Northern Lights CFL Grow

    Back with my not so timely weekly update lol. My Northern Lights- Emma is just so amazing and has proven to me that autoflowers should be taken more seriously than they are! I measured her today and she was 27 1/2 in(69-70 cm)! She is almost the same height as my photoperiod LA Confidential...
  9. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's Auto Northern Lights CFL Grow

    NoHam: You could get a piece of ductwork like I did and construction one similar to mine. Doesn't require too much $$ for metal lol. As far as posting it's the best thing that happened to me. I learned alot more and it helped me solved problems quicker...
  10. RollingDope708

    (Soil) Sour Chiesel & Blue Dream 600 Watt HPS (Fox Farm Ocean Forest/Nute Lineup)

    I thought u died bud lol. Sorry to hear about that. Hopefully I can see the professional stuff before I stop making journals. Never heard of Mohan Ram are they good? And GL bro
  11. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's Auto Northern Lights CFL Grow

    Thanks for subbing NoHam. Lol love the username. As far as the setup for mines its working out great. I would advise not to use cardboard however it may work due to the fact that CFLs don't run hot unless you got a bunch of those fuggers like I do. When I post my weekly update Thursday or...
  12. RollingDope708

    DWC/Bubbleponics Reservoir

    I saw it. I'm trying to do something without transporting them and it's not a micro grow. However they do look good starting off If you want check out my 1st grow and my two ongoing ones
  13. RollingDope708

    DWC/Bubbleponics Reservoir

    Hey there RIU! I've decided to try something new this year and go with bubbleponics since it's something I've been eyeing for a while now. I have a 39 gallon sterlite tub that I can use as a reservoir. I wanted to use this one instead of going out and buying a 5 gallon sterlite tub. My question...
  14. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's Auto Northern Lights CFL Grow

    It's been a crazy last few weeks this holiday season. So I got alot to say since my last update. Where do I start? Well lets start with my Northern Lights(Emma) and I'll continue onward from there. Before I get into my plants I made a DIY CFL reflector and wanted to see what everyone thinks...
  15. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's Auto Northern Lights CFL Grow

    What's everyone!? Got some great news for ya! Day 21: .So I started LSTing her and she's responding well to it! The side branching are starting to catch up to the main stalk and I'm hoping to have more main colas this time around than with my last grow .She's starting to stink(not in a omg it's...
  16. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's Auto Northern Lights CFL Grow

    So here's my weekly update: .Had to go out and buy a humidifier because the humidity is just too low in the grow room. This low humidity caused my baby Emma to have heat stress problems and that's why in the pictures her leaves are "cupping" and she hasn't been doing the best. .I started her on...
  17. RollingDope708

    (Soil) Sour Chiesel & Blue Dream 600 Watt HPS (Fox Farm Ocean Forest/Nute Lineup)

    What's going on with your grow? Is everything taking off?
  18. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's Auto Northern Lights CFL Grow

    So its been a crazy past week. Didn't have anytime this weekend to update about her. But here's the report: Day 9 .She's coming along real fast and is developing new leaves like it's over night! .I'm still struggling with humidity but it's coming along alright for now. .I fed her yesterday for...
  19. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's Auto Northern Lights CFL Grow

    Day 4 Nothing really new just watching her grow and all. I'm still curious on why her leaves look the way they do? Is it due to humidity or is it just genetics? Also One of her newer leaves that's growing is slightly shorter in length than the other. Is that normal? Anyway besides that...
  20. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's Auto Northern Lights CFL Grow

    Thanks for the response CCCmints! I'm waiting until her 3rd set of true leaves to consider her in veg. Hope you enjoy the journal and feel free to comment,leave feedback,or just look. She should be in veg in another week. I'm just monitoring how he responds to this low humidity because this is...