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  1. cian07

    Seedlings - is this young hunger or something more sinister?

    I have never seen anything like that in seedlings before, they probably wont survive man...Pull em before they die and start over
  2. cian07

    If i smoke a pipe with grinded weed and some pieces go throw and i in hale some , is that bad ?

    Maybe you'll be the first recorded person to ever die from weed.....bahahaha
  3. cian07

    back from India with a shock!

    One of the great things about getting back from 2 months in India, was getting one of my ultimate souvenirs through customs, a bag of seeds given to me by a Holy Sadhu during an afternoon of smoking Chillums loaded with Charas and drinking Chai...Great memories, and hopefully an unusual crop to...
  4. cian07

    Looks male right? But way early or not?

    But yeh , dumbass, I forgot which if the three I topped yesterday was the male and can't tell 100% so I'm gonna give him/her another week to grow some balls then pull it up. I'm pretty sure I know which one it is, the one which is noticeable bigger then the rest, but until I see the nuts no ones...
  5. cian07

    Looks male right? But way early or not?

    Thanks for the help...she's toast..or wait, rather he's toast!
  6. cian07

    Looks male right? But way early or not?

    Hi Guys, just wanted an opinion or two, i know theres lots of them on this site!! So...Either i am misunderstanding the lifecycle of plants or something else is going on here. I Planted 5 plants outside at the very start of spring, so that was about 7 weeks ago now (26th August), before you...
  7. cian07

    Why the stretching?

    Just wondering if a; these guys are stretching, looks pretty clear cut stretch to me, and b; why would they be stretching when I am putting them out for the whole day out side and them moving them to cfls over night? (3 cfls a couple inches above them) I can't think why they would need to...
  8. cian07

    2 plants 1 problem - Leaves dying, from tips 6wks flwr

    Nute burn i can understand but the environment has been the same since day one. Could that be something that could have made such a difference? I guess closeness to the bulb is the only thing that would have changed...Now they are probably 6 inches from the bulb?!
  9. cian07

    2 plants 1 problem - Leaves dying, from tips 6wks flwr

    Hi There, I have an Indica bag seed, and a Utopia Haze plant both 6 weeks into flowering, and over the past week both have started to signs of some kind of deficiency/lock out. On the Indica, not too bad, just the tips are a little crispy and dried, and some of the leaves are yellowing and...
  10. cian07

    Strange issue w leaves?!?!?!

    First is the haze, second the bagseed
  11. cian07

    Strange issue w leaves?!?!?!

    I have a thermometer, hydrometer thing in the post, should be here tomorrow actually so ill know then. The healthy looking plant pictured below is a Utopia Haze, and seems to be doing okay with the heat, but brazilian genetics, so im guessing it can cope a lot better with higher heat, the...
  12. cian07

    Strange issue w leaves?!?!?!

    P.S i havnt installed the ventilation in my cupboard yet so when the door is closed they are not getting any fresh air, but i am leaving the door slightly ajar for them to get air, i am in Sydney (Aus) and the weather is hot and tends to not be too humid either, i have a tshirt soaked in water...
  13. cian07

    Strange issue w leaves?!?!?!

    Thanks for the reply; moved the lights... The containers are seedling trays, and they have large holes in the bottom, I am watering about twice a day at this stage. I am using a misting bottle/sprayer so they tend to dry out quite quickly. I am checking them often, and i water when they top of...
  14. cian07

    Strange issue w leaves?!?!?!

    Hi All, Hoping someone can offer some thoughts on what the issue may be with the yellowing of the first true leaves on my 3 week old seedling. The Cotyledon laves have just yellowed up shrivelled and died, which is all well and good, but no sooner had this happened, the first true leaves...
  15. cian07

    Haze plant; too early to transplant?

    Yeh sounds like a plan, i'll make sure she survives 2 transplants.
  16. cian07

    Haze plant; too early to transplant?

    But if i leave it in that small pot for another few weeks, while the roots are trying to expand and cant for lack of space, wont that stunt it as well?
  17. cian07

    Haze plant; too early to transplant?

    Hi All, This is my first post on the site... I have been doing my research on this site for a month or two now, and love roll it up, its the best resource bar none for the new grower, and did you know if you go to Google, and type in, then a space and whatever you are...
  18. cian07

    Anybody growing Utopia Haze from Barneys

    How did that Utopia turn out mate?