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  1. I

    !!!U,k Growers Give Us A Shout!!!

    Yeah it's pssing out here aswell, we should defn push for a UK forum , if someones finds the main admin for the site we can e-mail him tell him there's 30 plus of us and we want it damn it!
  2. I

    dumb dealer!

    "Mother of god" "You boys like meeehhiiicccooo wooooooooooooooo"
  3. I

    dumb dealer!

    Why did you buy it in the first place, would it not be better to check first?
  4. I

    problemo? please help?

    Pics? How far away is your light and what are you using?
  5. I

    Lowryder Number 2

    Well heres what I do but I grow indoors so outdoors may be a little differant. Start in a 1-2 liter pot, allow them to grow to about 21-25 days in them, by now your roots are developed and strong enough for a transplant, once they show sex transplant the females straight away into bigger 3-5...
  6. I

    Lowryder Number 2

    Because if you start lowryders in a very big container they won't be getting enough water and the root system will take longer to develop through the soil where as if you put them in a small container and slowly transplant them as they go I guarantee it will be better, also because they only...
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    G-13 ?

    I smoked it in quality..
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    !!!U,k Growers Give Us A Shout!!!

    An ounce is 28 grams, get yourself to the dam man i'm going in two weeks for my 5'th trip...
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    One hit

    How long is a piece of string?...generally weed will show up 6 months later in a urine sample..
  10. I

    !!!U,k Growers Give Us A Shout!!!

    Yeah your right man, first time I smoked home grown I was in fits for hours that was it then, I began to relaize what crap we get...the usual "Ehhh it's white widow mate" yeah my ass it is it's fucking grit weed you wanker...pissed me right off, you really need to know people who have decent...
  11. I

    Why do noobs ask so many questions?

    We all start somewhere and being rude and burning new members with questions is bad for the site and not what smoking is all about which is helping each other and promoting it, the information is great but people get stuck along the way and do need help with many differant thing's, they just...
  12. I

    Electricity Question???

    No probelm..
  13. I

    Electricity Question???

    Should be fine, just make sure it's tidy and secure and away from too much heat or water exposure, the HPS will run through the ballest...
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    !!!U,k Growers Give Us A Shout!!!

    So what do you guy's reckon on growing, do we have it better or worst than our friends in the states in terms of punishment?...I defn think we have far worst quality in general from our selection of weed from dealers other than growing ourselfs..
  15. I

    Flowering....too Much Water??

    They need as much water as the roots take in, my plants need it every 2 days cause they just drink it up quickly, listen to your plants, water them as needed, there as guidelines sure but only you know from your individual situation what they are taking, if she's healthy just keep doing what...
  16. I

    My gf of a year has dumped me

    Aint it though? in fact it's worth getting dumped for...there's always a greener side man...always a greener side.
  17. I

    !!!U,k Growers Give Us A Shout!!!

    Growing Lowryder 2 at the moment and bubblegum...
  18. I

    !!!U,k Growers Give Us A Shout!!!

    Lol check out my grow man some amateur porn..
  19. I

    !!!U,k Growers Give Us A Shout!!!

    Right here man..
  20. I

    My gf of a year has dumped me

    That's what I'd do man a nice steak, focus the mind the mind, hit the gym maybe?...then lash her best mate raw it's do -able...Dev you from Dublin man? chances ay...