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    Halo 3

    God I remember that game years ago for the ps2..
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    Why do you smoke weed?

    Damn it, why are the hottest girls in America?I love the latina look sure us Irish guy's might be on the attractive side but our I smoke because it helps me to relax, it's great with a group of friends around to laugh and talk about random stuff, I love the plant itself, I love...
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    Halo 3

    Gears of war two will need a big improvement in it's online play to compete with Halo and call of duty, but their differant sort of play they are more tactical halo is fast paced. Yeah when I get blazed I play Halo much better, more focused better aiming etc...
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    Who are you? a/s/l

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    How much is an apartment in california?

    Jesus that aint much, Ireland is massive expensive an apartment in Dublin costs 1400 euro a month which is about 1700-1800 dollars...
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    5-0 stories

    My house got raided last year, was upstairs with my housemate smoking a spliff when next thing there's a huge bang downstairs and shouting, the two of us are sitting there whacked when about 6 cops come in to the room and drag us down and start tearing the house apart and questioning is, I was...
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    My first journal Lowryder 2.

    Going to try and get updated pics tonight, my camera wouldn't hook up to the laptop properly I'll try sort it out later and get the journal back on track , there on day 44 I think now, all a foot high, healty leaves, Bud starting to get crystaly, should be on track to harvest in 2-3 weeks.
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    Male or Female?

    I think he's having a laugh with us...
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    How You Feel When You Are "Stoned" "High" Or Whatever You May Call It.

    Once I got the twitching and that was in amsterdam when I was smoking g-13/haze it kept making me twitch like crazy..
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    alot of new growers

    Kind of, but I think it would be a god thing if loads grow then it will pressure the powers that be for legalisation. In Ireland we have seed shops and that, you can buy seeds legally (Only illegal when you water or grow them), and you can buy all your equipment for them. it's like they pour the...
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    My Lowes Grow Cabinet/help with curling leaves

    Looking good, have you got an air supply running for them, might help if you got some support for the plant leaning over until she can support herself, you'll dfefn need this when the bud starts to get thick on her.
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    My first journal Lowryder 2.

    Actually was following your lowryder grow man, you got some excellent looking buds outta that well done...
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    My first journal Lowryder 2.

    This weeks update. Good growth 3 remaining females have been transfered over to 5 liter pots, transplant went fine no stress nd they've taken to the extra space growing an inch each since, flowers getting bigger, buds really starting to form up, added some extra ventalation which also helps p...
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    T dub's 2nd G 13 haze go round

    Absulute hero, best grow i've seen in a while congrats!
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    Heruk's Lowryder 2 & low ak47 x BlueB grow

    That LR2 looks ace man, what size are they?They must be nearly ready for smoke now...
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    How Big Should I Go....

    Flower them bad girls asap mate...
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    In Need Of A Transplant........

    Defn mate, I transfered 3 of my lowryders from one liters to 1 gallons last night, they are stressed at the min but better in the long run as they were almost root bound...get it done.
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    Can I transplant during flowering?

    Thanks going to take a chance and transfer from 1 liter to 4 liter pots tonight wish me luck...
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    Can I transplant during flowering?

    Should have seen this coming, my lowryders are in one liter containers and liters, i took the final male out earlier and it had completing taken hold of the soil, problem is that my females are in one even smaller and have probably used up all the space aswell, they are ten days into flowering...
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    Too High??..too Low??...hps.

    I have them in about 1 and a half litre pots, there lowryder 2 so i think that should be ok for them, I have a fan on the side blowing accross them, Before I water I check the soil and see if it's dry etc. Haven't got a PH reader (My bad), I've been feeding BioBiz flowering formula about one...