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    Advice on Tranplanteing from Indoors to Outdoor

    ok here is the thing i have some that i have started growing inside and there maybe 6in tall and just starting to get leaves and was wondering if putting them outside will shock them to much and some watering ideas for them and some fert ideas any advice will be appreciated
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    Veg Stage

    its a moth old or older about a foot tall
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    Veg Stage

    thats what the light are on now it has been in veg for maybe two or three w eeks
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    Veg Stage

    and i think it is bag seed dont know the strain and how can you tell the strain
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    Veg Stage

    it going on a month maybe month and a half old
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    Veg Stage

    ok while it is in veg stage how long befor flowering
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    Veg Stage

    it was give to me and the leaves have curled down like some one took a pencil and and did it but i a thinking it is a nut problem and its in the veg stage now
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    Curling Up Leaves! Need Help Folks What's Wrong?

    i am a new grower and have one question how often are you watering . and me i am usen plain old house hold bulbs and some of mine are fine but have the same problem with one that is in the veg stage
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    Veg Stage

    how far should they be and if i had a away to post pics i would but the best way i can descirb it is the leaves at the top have bent down and kinds lick a U shape and looks like some one took a pencil and folded the leaves over it
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    Veg Stage

    when planting them out side should i space them out or can i leave them close to each other
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    Veg Stage

    ok an the one thats in the veg stage there have been four leaves turn yellow and fall off and i was told there water leave is that common or was it caused by shock
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    Veg Stage

    i have some in the same planter that i am going to plant outside will it hurt them to move them while there young there maybe six or seven inches
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    Veg Stage

    ok and how soon can you tell if the plant is m or f
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    Veg Stage

    i have one plant in the veg stage of growth and was wondering if it is common to have the leaves at the top to curl under and it was transplanted from out side to indoors and is maybe a foot tall
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    Lighting Help

    ok thanks for the help and i will keep it in mind
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    Lighting Help

    ok just to let you know this is my frist time growing and i have them in the plastic flower pot just to get them started or should i have put them in one pot to start of with
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    Lighting Help

    well i plan on putting them in to bigger pots when they get bigger just need to know if i need to use floresnt light or set them in the window ther maybe an inch tall
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    Lighting Help

    it all bills paid and i have like 15 going in a flower box thats three feet long maybe a half a foot deep
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    Lighting Help

    need some ideas for lighting so that you cant tell in an apartment
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    Need Help

    good to know