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  1. P

    Spider mites attacking outdoor plant brought indoors under hps

    I'm just gonna keep defoliating the mite bitten leaves as much as I can, I figure if I can make it ten more days, that'll be 8 weeks in flower and the buds should have swollen a lot more by then. I'm definately not gonna spray anything. Thought about just chopping but this lady is packing on...
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    Spider mites attacking outdoor plant brought indoors under hps

    No amount of silica and calcium is gonna keep bud rot away in the pacific northwest
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    Spider mites attacking outdoor plant brought indoors under hps

    I meant a month and a half into flowering. And your ignorant guess is wrong I have proper lights and air flow. 600 watt cooltube hps with a 440 cfm venting into the attic. And rain definately causes bud rot this late in flower
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    Spider mites attacking outdoor plant brought indoors under hps

    Im afraid spraying any kind of liquid right now is gonna make the PM go crazy and possibly bud rot? already got big bud cluster that im afraid to get wet
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    Spider mites attacking outdoor plant brought indoors under hps

    I had to bring in my UK Cheese outdoor plant that was on my back deck because it's started raining, and now is getting attacked by spider mites. It started flowering outside so it's about a week and a half into flowering.. plus its getting PM spots everywhere. Should I just chop it down now and...
  6. P

    Urinator, whizzinator, monkey dong etc.

    Anybody ever use one of these? I have a job interview tomorrow and 9:30 and I'm a medical marijuana patient so I'm gonna have to fake the piss test. I'm considering buying a "Monkey Dong" which is a whizzinator clone from a local head shot for $150. Anyone think this is a good investment...
  7. P

    Should I try flowering in my closet during the summer

    I got my UK Cheese from South Oregon Seeds. I really like it, it grows super dense nugs that are easy to trim and loves to branch out.. definately a good one for a sea of green grow i'd say. Out of the two pheno's i've harvested one was very very skunky while the other was a little more bland...
  8. P

    Should I try flowering in my closet during the summer

    I've got some kush n cheese and UK cheese plants vegging in my closet and theyre just about big enough to flower... but it's gonna run all through summer if I do. I'm running a 600 watt HPS with a cooltube and a 440CFM extraction fan pumping the air into the attic. I could put a small AC unit in...
  9. P

    How hot can germinating seeds get

    They all came up!
  10. P

    How hot can germinating seeds get

    3 out of 6 are emerging this morning so things are looking good. At worst, I've only killed half of em. Consensus, you can get germinating seeds pretty damn hot but I wont be doing it again!
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    How hot can germinating seeds get

    It was like 3-4 hours. The soil felt pretty hot when I put my finger in it. I dont know man, I don't have very good hopes for 'em. If I dont see some heads poking up by tomorrow morning imma germ some more seeds and go digging
  12. P

    How hot can germinating seeds get

    I germ'd some auto seeds in paper towels and then put them in pots and put siran wrap over to keep them from drying out. I accidently put them in the sun today to get them some warmth and forgot to take the siran wrap off the top. I think my temp guage said it was 111 degrees fahrenheit under...
  13. P

    environment genetics

    I live in the pacific northwest and did some autoflowers outdoors, started around june 1st. Well somehow the crop ended up with seeds even though they were autoflowers flowering in july that didn't hermie or have nanners, yet somehow there were flowering plants nearby that made my shit produce...
  14. P

    Should I harvest?

    They are Grapey Walter autoflowers from Mephisto Genetics. Day 77. I've been flushing for 2 weeks now but I still don't see any amber. My eye loupes only 30x though. I had 4 going and only one showed amber and I chopped that one, but that was a week ago. I dont think these are going to show...
  15. P

    fish bones for calcium

    I catch some salmon and steelhead trout occasionally. My plants sometimes get calcium deficiency towards the end of flowering. Can I save my fish spines, cook and wash all the meat off, pulverize and add to soil? Would that supply calcium or would the bones need to degrade first? I planned on...
  16. P

    black spots on hps bulb?

    I was cleaning out my cool tube and had this out and noticed little black specks on the inner tube of the hps. It's a hortilux brand 600 watt that's only been running for a couple months now. Still seems to be as bright as usual. Is that normal??
  17. P

    How to scrape qwet up without heat

    i ended up using a big baking pan of boiling water, and put a small baking pan in them with my parchment paper and oil on it. worked pretty good
  18. P

    burped the jars during high humidity

    DIdn't I say the weed was damp AFTER I burped it during the high humidity... if the humidity outside the jar is higher when you burp it's gonna dampen your weed. RH in the jars was 52% now its 58% after burping. The fuckin weed's been bone dry for two weeks with the twigs snapping and I've been...
  19. P

    How to scrape qwet up without heat

    I made some Qwet and unlike my last batch this stuff wants to shatter everywhere when I try to scrape it off the glass plate. I'm losing a lot because it flying everywhere, any tricks to keep it from doing that? Im afraid to use heat because I don't want to burn anything off
  20. P

    burped the jars during high humidity

    It's raining heavy outside and I burped my curing jars without thinking about the humidity.. well now my weed feels damper than it was before I burped it. Still smells and tastes good though. My hygrometer says the humidity is 62% in the room im burping my jars in. Usually it's like 40-45...