Urinator, whizzinator, monkey dong etc.


Active Member
Anybody ever use one of these? I have a job interview tomorrow and 9:30 and I'm a medical marijuana patient so I'm gonna have to fake the piss test. I'm considering buying a "Monkey Dong" which is a whizzinator clone from a local head shot for $150. Anyone think this is a good investment?? Nobody will be watching me but there is a chance I will have to pee near a urinal around other works if I can't get into a bathroom stall


Well-Known Member
Just strapped a bottle to my leg a week ago. People in other urinals won't look. Some people have to use catheters so fiddling around is commonplace. I have a concealed carry holster that requires some "fiddling"

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
It's probly too late for tomorrow but unless they are going to actually watch you piss the whizzinator is total overkill. I used quick fix 6.0 which is simply a bottle of synthetic piss you heat up and keep in your underwear. Works like a charm. The stuff that comes with the fake dick thing is powdered so you have to mix it up right and heat it up and then load it into the dick and then strap the whole thing on with the heater attached. It is not practical if they make you strip down to your shorts. You can easily hide the quick fix bottle under your ballsack and they sell a insulating strap to keep it in your leg. I tested it for a week before my test and it stayed at correct temp inside the strap with the heater for hours. They will ship it out overnight if you pay extra.


Well-Known Member
If any of these drug test jobs you guys are faking involve piloting passenger airlines, surgery, guns or simply sitting at the controls to one of the many intercontinental ballistic missiles dotted around the democratic (fascist) free world then its time to make a choice between weed, rollitup and a life of getting high or your job and probably salary wife and kids idk how much you give a shit about these whinging whining life sapping retards though :-)


Well-Known Member
Urinator worked well for me.

Last time I used it , the nurse had me doing stretching to see if I had anything on me. For a millisecond, I almost just walked out.

Very awkward.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
If any of these drug test jobs you guys are faking involve piloting passenger airlines, surgery, guns or simply sitting at the controls to one of the many intercontinental ballistic missiles dotted around the democratic (fascist) free world then its time to make a choice between weed, rollitup and a life of getting high or your job and probably salary wife and kids idk how much you give a shit about these whinging whining life sapping retards though :-)
I choose a life of weed. My employer has no business looking at my piss to see what I do in my off time. I just happen to be a surgeon who pilots a DC-10 fitted with ballistic missiles. So fuck off ya life sapping wanker

greg nr

Well-Known Member
I choose a life of weed. My employer has no business looking at my piss to see what I do in my off time. I just happen to be a surgeon who pilots a DC-10 fitted with ballistic missiles. So fuck off ya life sapping wanker
I'm sure you would be forgiven anyway. It's not like you are a transexual or anything really dangerous, like a libral commie.


Well-Known Member
I choose a life of weed. My employer has no business looking at my piss to see what I do in my off time. I just happen to be a surgeon who pilots a DC-10 fitted with ballistic missiles. So fuck off ya life sapping wanker
Kim Jong Un does have a troll account after all,

You know my next sentence involves fire and fury like youve never smoked before :-)


Well-Known Member
One other thing.....

In a pre-employment drug screening, they cannot watch you piss. Urinator is the way to go.

The Whizzinator is if you’re pissing for a onlooker as you would at a parole office.