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  1. M!!..i think she's dying!

    but no. I had come across this particular link before and it only explains how to apply Sensi Grow to Hydro setups. I'm planting in soil and need a mixing chart because I burned my plant inadvertently by giving her the wrong quantities of nutes. If you find anything out let me know though..:weed:
  2. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ...I'll send it later on today. The plants looking alot better though. I'll let you know if I receive anything from them..:weed:
  3. M!!..i think she's dying!

    she's looking better today after the flushing and I just received the tracking no.'s for my order so the heat issue should be addressed by this upcoming Monday. So just water with regular ph balanced water when she's bone dry until she's all better again right? I've been watering like every...
  4. M!!..i think she's dying! least I know what's wrong now. I'll do the flushing tonigh before she goes to sleep. I'll let you know the results tomorrow. I ordered a bunch a stuff for the heat issues also so that prob should be corrected by Friday or Monday the latest hopefully. Thanks buddy!
  5. M!!..i think she's dying! I said before, the camera I think makes the plant look better than it actually is. The yellowing is definitely not limited to older leaves as young ones from the top of her are actually yellowing and at a rapid pace. Since I tested the soil and the water is good I have no idea what...
  6. M!!..i think she's dying! far as temp. goes, I'm waiting on some mini fans, as well as about 2 fans to push and suck air out of the tent with hosing. Syringes for measuring, new soil, perlite, stuff like that. I didn't get any cloning stuff for the reason I mentioned earlier but I'm pretty sure that I'll have...
  7. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ...It's just those yellow spots all over the place that have got me worried. And not ALL over the place per se but just in enough areas that I know it's not isolated to the older leaves. The soil is right as far as ph goes and so is the water, with and without nutes. I don't know what I'm...
  8. M!!..i think she's dying!

    Hey Panhead, Well, I gave her a watering with a phbalanced(6.8 approx.) 3/4 tsp Sensi Grow AandB Friday and she'll be getting a regular phbalanced watering before I put her to sleep tonight since she's dry and drooping. My concern is that the yellowing spots and leaves still persist and I'm...
  9. M!!..i think she's dying!

    Hey Panhead, Well, I've been reading over the links and finally I came to the conclusion that at least for this first grow I'll be passing on cloning. I just don't have the space or time to do it. Today I'm supposed to give her a watering with nutes since it's the third watering. I got it...
  10. M!!..i think she's dying!'s what the bottles of Sensi Grow have listed as micronutrients I think.(see the pics). There's a couple of the minerals you mentioned except boron. Hope the pics aren't too blurry. I gave her a watering with the nute solution this morning and she's just started her 18 hour light...
  11. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ...and looking pretty bad I think, lots of discoloration on the flowers which started bushing out, old leaves look dry and brittle, she just looks really weak to me. I don't know, again I'm probably way off. I got a gallon of 3/4 tsp Sensi A and B , 6.8 ph balanced water getting to grow room...
  12. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ... I'm gonna have to go the inline duct fan, duct out the top of the tent. It's got a flap for that and I know where to buy the stuff. Can't seem to get a hold of the dealer though for some reason through the phone number to place my order. They don't have delivery options to wher I live...
  13. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ... the humidity level is at 41% but that's not 100% accurate. It's the only other reading on the thermometer but according to the digital thermometer that's the humidity reading, I keep forgetting to get an old style one like yours. It doesn't say humidity, I can't quite remember where it...