!!..i think she's dying!


Well-Known Member
.... on Dec. 19 according to the post on this very thread so that would make it approximately 4 days since she's had any kind of water, apart from a light watering I gave her on the 21st I believe, but not a lot. After measuring, I checked the dirt apparently 2 and a half inches down and not 1 like I was supposed to. She still feels cool and compact but I just can't tell if it's moist or not. My wife insists that it's still moist but I don't know if that's just the coolness of the dirt she's confusing with moistness or if going down 2 1/2 inches instead on one is the reason it's moist. I just don't know when to feed her again. Now I should mention that I did empty the entire gallon of 3/4 teaspoon Sensi Grow A and B I had made. Since the water started coming out like at 3/4 of the gallon I figured it wouldn't do any harm to dump the rest since it was coming out the bottom pretty well and filtration looked decent. But maybe I'm wrong. I just want to make sure you have all the facts of everything going on here so you can make the best decisions possible. So until I hear back from you and your opinion I wont water because like you said, underwatering is esier to correct. Now, the temperature has been a sticker from the start. Reg. room temp. here in the grow room is (I'm in a year round tropical weather area by the way) 82 to 85 degrees. The canopy is 2 and a half inches away from the T5 bloom and grow bulbs. Should I swithch to all four bloom bulbs when we get to flowering by the way? I have 4 of each and I was curious. The temp. at the canopy is a whopping 92 degrees. Now this is a digital thermometer and I don't know the accuracy of it but it feels warm to me but not hot at all, as evidenced, I think, by the healthy looking leaves at the canopy. I put them close because the difference in temp. from having the light higher up is very little. I also didn't want her to stretch. But again, you be the judge. So you have your fans blowing down on the plant? I got mine sideways, does that make a difference? That's all I can think of for now. Have a great night my friend and Merry Christmas to you and yours!:hug:



Well-Known Member
Your doing fine,as for giving her the entire gallon its no sweat & most likely helped the plant,flushing the soil after not having ph'ed the water from the start will help bring the ph in the soil back near normal.

Where your fan is located makes little difference as long as the leaves are moving in the wind,i hang my fans from the ceiling to use every inch of my floor space for the grow & thats it,its an idea i took from seeymorebuds & it works well but not a must.

Digging down 2 or 3 inches isnt going to hurt the plant at all even if you damage a few roots it'll be ok,if you smoke ciggeretts you can push a ciggerette against the soil firmly in the little hole you scratch out while checking the moisture content,any moisture will be wicked into the ciggerette & show right up,the same can be done using a dry rolling paper just till you get a feel for it,you also might want to try checking the bottom of the soil if possible,you can poke around a bit underneath the plant from one of the drain holes in the pot if its large enough.

With your temps being as high as they are is there any way possible you can think of to get the temps below 80 degrees at all times ? your temps are not deadly but they are not in the best growing zone for the plant,as for the t-5 light ive never used a t-5 in my grows so im not sure of the heat they put out,i do use t-12 floro tubes in a veg room & the bulbs barely get warm,if your bulbs stay that cool you can let them touch the plant but if your not sure its best to stay away an inch or two.

Try poking around in the soil with either a rolling paper or ciggerette to check moisture content down a few inches before we water again,i really feel as were still giving her too much water still & its the only explaination i can see why her leaves look so heavy.

You might want to start making long term plans now that the plant is growing and bushing out nicely,things like cloning,mothering & seperate vegation of other plants need to be planned for in advance if you want a constant supply of smoke,you can raise clones & mothers very cheaply with regular off the shelf shop lights & t-12 natural daylight bulbs,the total cost is arond 20 for a dual 4ft fixture & 2 bulbs,you'll also want to start stocking up on the few materials needed for cutting clones,if this is part of your long term plan let me know so i can put together a cheap list of materials for you that will only cost you $50 or less.

If her soil is nice & dry after you re check it then water her again with clean ph'ed water & no nutes,if the rolling paper/ciggerrette has any moisture on it then wait one more day.


Well-Known Member
Just go ahead and prepare that list for me and I'll get down to whatever I have to do...for cloning and all the other stuff you mentioned. Hopefully I'll have enough space to do it in. I'll have to wait and see exactly what your plan of attack is regarding this aspect of growing. And I'll do the cigarette/rolling paper technique right now. As for watering, I drink the water from the inlaws house because it's noticably cleaner and better tasting than the water at my house. Do you think I can water her with this water now since I have the Ph up and down solution to control the ph? I just want to be sure which is the best option for her, from the tap or bottled spring or any other type of bottled water? I don't want to do any unnecessary damage I can avoid. Thanks again for the great info Panhead. And again, Merry Christmas to you and your family and loved ones!!:weed:


Well-Known Member
...I'm really at a loss. The only thing I could come up with was putting an extra fan blowing on her but I don't know if it'll work and not to mention the extra electricity cost, although I really don't know if it'll make a big differece in the bill. Other than putting an portable air conditioner in there I really have no idea what to do, considering again I live in an area where it's basically Summer all year round. Any ideas at all?


Well-Known Member
...using the cigarette technique you mentioned. How much water exactly should I give her because I want to water her before putting her to sleep if that's ok to do?


Active Member
HI there Mr.

Now I've waited for some others input but as you've seen its been 3 days. I can tell it is a phosphorus def as well due to the fact it fits all descriptions.

Phosphorus is a mobile nute so the damage will be seen on larger older leaves first.Is this happening? Yes

another good check would be the type of damage. Are the leaves discoloured and becoming necrotic in spots? Yes!

1. Causes? pH usually. I was looking at the soil in your pots and it seems to have a lot of wood pieces. Wood is a bitch in soils. Steals all types of nutes for its own rotting purposes, can also fuck with the pH. Im assuming the pH could be too low....

2. The Phosphorus is turning into other compounds by mixing with shit in the soil (excess zinc iron and other metals) and becoming unavailable.


A simple plan to possibly fix or check if this really is the problem is check the pH ( too make sure the next steps are done correctly). If this is the problems I'd try making a TEA with high in Phosphorus substance, than feed, (dont over feed!), if you see improvement continue!

From the bible. pH above 7 or below 5.8 in soil can cause def.

Well I guess I should have checked to see that everyone else had already responded.........


Well-Known Member
... I too noticed and mentioned these spots and yellowing in earlier posts I believe but I've been trying to make the necessary adjustments little by little. I will indeed check the ph of the soil tomorrow if it's ok to do after a feeding. It'll be seven hours from now so hopefully it'll be ok to do using the method of using a gallon of water that's ph balanced and flushing the soil with it and then seeing if the ph dripping from the bottom afterwards is higher or lower than it was before being poured through. Is this ok to do tomorrow Panhead? Since I watered her before bed? Not too much mind you but enough that I was satisfied she got enough,since she was indeed dry more than an inch down after I used the cigarette technique. Thanks again for the input Jared and I'll be waiting for your input Panhead whenever you get a chance tomorrow. Merry Christmas to everyone at and thank God there's a place like this where likeminded folks like us can get together and help each other...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
HI there Mr.

Now I've waited for some others input but as you've seen its been 3 days. I can tell it is a phosphorus def as well due to the fact it fits all descriptions.

Phosphorus is a mobile nute so the damage will be seen on larger older leaves first.Is this happening? Yes

another good check would be the type of damage. Are the leaves discoloured and becoming necrotic in spots? Yes!

1. Causes? pH usually. I was looking at the soil in your pots and it seems to have a lot of wood pieces. Wood is a bitch in soils. Steals all types of nutes for its own rotting purposes, can also fuck with the pH. Im assuming the pH could be too low....

2. The Phosphorus is turning into other compounds by mixing with shit in the soil (excess zinc iron and other metals) and becoming unavailable.


A simple plan to possibly fix or check if this really is the problem is check the pH ( too make sure the next steps are done correctly). If this is the problems I'd try making a TEA with high in Phosphorus substance, than feed, (dont over feed!), if you see improvement continue!

From the bible. pH above 7 or below 5.8 in soil can cause def.

Well I guess I should have checked to see that everyone else had already responded.........
Im glad somebody else saw that wood in the soil .

He has since changed the soil to a nice pro mix & is now watching the ph,he is also slowly correcting the nute def with a regiment of slow fertilization & foliar fertilization,he's made major improvements so far from the start,he's getting better at this.


Well-Known Member
... I too noticed and mentioned these spots and yellowing in earlier posts I believe but I've been trying to make the necessary adjustments little by little. I will indeed check the ph of the soil tomorrow if it's ok to do after a feeding. It'll be seven hours from now so hopefully it'll be ok to do using the method of using a gallon of water that's ph balanced and flushing the soil with it and then seeing if the ph dripping from the bottom afterwards is higher or lower than it was before being poured through. Is this ok to do tomorrow Panhead? Since I watered her before bed? Not too much mind you but enough that I was satisfied she got enough,since she was indeed dry more than an inch down after I used the cigarette technique. Thanks again for the input Jared and I'll be waiting for your input Panhead whenever you get a chance tomorrow. Merry Christmas to everyone at and thank God there's a place like this where likeminded folks like us can get together and help each other...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

Im glad she was dry,when she's dry & ready for another drink of plain ph'ed water is the time to measure the ph in the soil,its not good to water 2 days in a row,you've allready made great leaps in the plants overall health & since you've began watching the ph along with transplanting into the new soil your ph should be getting to normal.

Next watering water her heavily & collect the run off then check the ph levels.


Well-Known Member
... that's why I watered her only enough that she should dry out pretty quickly. Hopefully anyways. But like you said, it's better to underwater than to overwater. The next watering I'll do the Ph soil test and depending on those results I'll await any further instructions as far as the next nute feeding goes.


Well-Known Member
...but I waited til right now to give her a ph soil test. I added two drops of ph up putting the water I used at 6.8 I believe. After I poured a half gallon there was drainage at the bottom of the planter. I waited and scooped up the remaining droplets and tested it and the results are what you see in the first pic. I believe it came out to 7.0 on the dot. So I finally watered her right then correct...I think? Well, I wish it was all good news because I got some damage to report also, sigh... The rest of the pics are what state she's in as of now after the phtest/watering. Her leaves perked up a little at the top after I took the pics you see. Don't know if you can tell in the pics posted here though. But there's some serious(to me) damage to some of the leaves where she started to bush out. One of the clone candidates if I'm not mistaken. Don't know if it was bugs, soil problems, fan too hard.. I'm at a loss, especially after seeing the phtest results causing me to deduce that since I raised the ph slightly before watering, she was at between 6.5 and 7.0 after watering with the ph balanced water I was giving her before this test. Does that make any sense? I could be way off and probably am so... But whatever damage has occurred, I'm pretty confident that I got the ph balancing down and watering with unbalanced ph or unbalanced ph soil wont be a problem anymore, at least according to the results I got. You gotta be the judge though...



Well-Known Member
...I don't know if it's clearly evident, but where the damage took place the leaf is hanging by a thread and it looks, to me anyways, like chewing? Not on all of them, but two leaves close together that are clone candidates where she's bushing out. I took pics. Again, I have no idea what it could be since I spray the grow area down with plant safe spray about once daily(wihtout the plant in there of course) and I wait a couple of minutes after, with the fan turned on after a couple of minutes, and put her back in. Doesn't take more than 5 minutes the whole process.



Well-Known Member
.... showing some of the perkiness of the leaves I mentioned after the watering/phsoil test...but not the damage which is evident upon closer inspection..



Well-Known Member
.... showing some of the perkiness of the leaves I mentioned after the watering/phsoil test...but not the damage which is evident upon closer inspection..
Your ph is still a bit too high but nothing serious,your doing the right thing by decreasing the ph in small increments,getting a perfect balance in the soil takes time,so does full recovery of a plant,any damaged leaves will not repair themselves once ph is stablized,however after a while it should stop any new damage to the plant,try to get the ph level just a tiny bit lower.

Your heat issue while not deadly is the biggest issue you have left to correct,you might try to get more cool air to the grow by venting in cooler air from the coolest area of the home then venting out hot air from the top of the grow.

At this point you've corrected many issues,bad soil was corrected,ph imbalances were corrected,she's being fed with safe levels of full range fertilizers,light is at proper height,all thats left i can see that needs correcting is the heat stress issue,possibly humidity as well.

What is the relative humidity level in the grow ?

The lower the humidity level the more heat a plant can absorb without slowing plant growth or leaf damage.

Im going to start looking for a few tutorials on cloning i remember being on this site that have good descriptions & lots of pictures,i'll popst this info in a day or two.


Well-Known Member
... the humidity level is at 41% but that's not 100% accurate. It's the only other reading on the thermometer but according to the digital thermometer that's the humidity reading, I keep forgetting to get an old style one like yours. It doesn't say humidity, I can't quite remember where it said that it was but I'm pretty sure that's the what the number stands for. It's probably bad right? Tropical Weather here like I said, don't know how much that's to blame or if at all.

How about a humidifier? Like those in Walgreens or Walmart? Would it drive my light bill up? Light is expensive here right now is why I ask. . I would leave the door open to let more cool air in but I wouldn't be able to at all times, especially tonight since my nephew is coming over and discretion is a must. And then there's the bugs and stuff that would come in and invade the plant. You think I could remedy that by spraying the area down 2 times a day without causing any harm to the plant? I'd be at work most of the day and the door would be open to any bugs and such wandering the house. My wife is a neatfreak and there's still bugs of all types. Like I said tropical weather.....