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    Like a week
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    Well shit
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    This is my first grow and i cannot tell what sex this is ?
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    What is wrong with this plant?

    I woke up this morning and one of my plants looked like this? I reasearched some things and found out it may be nitrogen?
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    Yellow color on leaves?

    Thank you guys! It is such a good feeling!
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    Yellow color on leaves?

    these spots have recently began to appear. This is my first grow are those leaves eventually supposed to fall off? Did i burn it? I only used a little humboldts golden tree. It could also maybe be a ph issue?
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    What happened? (Newb first grow)

    Good news! They have both perked back up and its great! Thanks for the help everyone ! :)
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    Drooping young plant?

    I have figured out the problem . The soil wasnt getting wet in the center . There back alive agian
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    Drooping young plant?

    Thanks for the help guys
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    Drooping young plant?

    These have been going for a few weeks now. They recently started to droop and i got suggestions to water it. Now it loooks like it got worse . What should i do i always have a fan on it and im growing with cfls. Have i overwatered?
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    What happened? (Newb first grow)

    What should i do? Are they over ?
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    What happened? (Newb first grow)

    I watered them hours ago and no sign of recovery. It actually seems like its getting worse.
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    What happened? (Newb first grow)

    I have watered them hours ago . Looks like no use nothing is helping
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    What happened? (Newb first grow)

    Should i put it on the 18 -6 timer?
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    What happened? (Newb first grow)

    The fan is also always on
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    What happened? (Newb first grow)

    I have fox farms ocean soil i just watered them a a little bit ago got the cfls 2-3 inches close . 18-6 lighting