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  1. K

    Is this nitrogen deficiency ? Please help ):

    Okay thanks. I'll try it
  2. K

    Is this nitrogen deficiency ? Please help ):

    This lil baby autoflower has had a hell of a 6 weeks. I almost killed her and stunted her really bad then she exploded with growth after giving her grow big by fox farms. Ive been giving 1/4 teaspoon in a gallon of water and shes been getting fed with every watering. I'm trying to not let her...
  3. K

    Yellowing and brown spots autoflower

    I cant check ppm but right now im using 1/4 grow big and 1/4 big bloom from ff
  4. K

    Yellowing and brown spots autoflower

    I have an autoflower that is starting to yellow and has some brown spots on leaves. What could be the issue ?
  5. K

    Ive had hella bad luck. Advice please ?

    I'm gonna try with little paper pots until the seedling breaks the surface. I was planting straight in to final pot
  6. K

    Ive had hella bad luck. Advice please ?

    The plant that is pictured is in coco. The seed i am planting next is going in MG organics
  7. K

    Ive had hella bad luck. Advice please ?

    Started with coco but going to try soil with this seed
  8. K

    Ive had hella bad luck. Advice please ?

    I use growers choice seeds and the soil i picked up is 0.0 0.0 0.5 so I figured it would be okay for seedlings.
  9. K

    Ive had hella bad luck. Advice please ?

    I do currently have a terribly slow growing tangerine at 5 weeks. Ill post her so you can see but currently i have a new seed soaking and can get through germination fine. When i plant in the pot after the tap root has formed is when things go wrong. Im fixing to try the miracle grow simply...
  10. K

    Ive never seen this happen. Help !

    Okay I'll give it a try. Im just worried about hurting her lol
  11. K

    Ive never seen this happen. Help !

    Kinda both. But mainly not opening. Its been 3 days
  12. K

    Ive never seen this happen. Help !

    Not sure if this helps
  13. K

    Ive never seen this happen. Help !

    First pic is first sprout and 2nd is 2 days later. I have no idea what is going on here. Any ideas ? Im not an expert grower but my current autoflower is doing just fine at 5 weeks
  14. K


    My autoflower just popped and looks different than the other autoflower that ive grown. Should i worry ?
  15. K

    Tangerine Dream growing but slow ?

    I plan on it soon once my ph adjust comes in. Think mine has been ph issues
  16. K

    Tangerine Dream growing but slow ?

    I started 2 plants but 1 died after about 1.5 weeks. Current plant will be 3 weeks in a few days. Shes jumped in size but not as big as others ive seen at 3 weeks. Will she maybe do fine ? First photo was 1/21 other one was a day later.
  17. K

    Autoflower yellowing

    1 week old sprout is yellowing. What can cause this ?
  18. K

    Autoflower nutes

    I just had my 2 seedlings sprout and im wanting to start nutes at about week 3. I have the fox farm trio set. Anyone have a schedule they follow with this and the dosage per gallon of water ? This is my first ever grow and im stressing about the nutes lol.