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    spider mites?

    I looked underneath... nothing.. what else could this white stuff be?
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    spider mites?

    So then any ideas what might be causing this and should I be worried? I have a few plants in the same pot and soil this is the only one doing it.
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    spider mites?

    I have no idea if this is spider mites or not, its on only two leaves, I mist my plants, and they are growing next to an ocean... wondering if maybe its just a calcium/salty build up living in a humid environment next to an ocean.
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    Humidity problem

    Buy a humidifier or mister, and I wouldn't call them boys, unless you want pollen. You want them to be your girls :blsmoke: What types of lights are you using? if its CFLs they should be about 2-4 inches from the plants. otherwise they will stretch out and fall over
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    Emergency pruning?

    Thing that sucks about that post is the images are all dead links, it seems as if it was useful at one time, but without pictures, the Text pointing to figures in pictures doesn't exist.
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    You mean at the tips? if its the tips, could be root rot, they say to trim it off so it doesn't spread the better parts of the roots.
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    Shrinking/Curling/Yellowing of the Bottom Half. Whats happening?!

    Good info, think this should be taken into consideration, from my readings on here, I came to the same conclusion before reading this, but who knows Iam no expert.
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    why the giraffe neck?

    You can buy 65W Electronic 6500K CFLs that equal 200-300W incandenscent, and they don't require a Flood light fixture, just buy two of them. something like this any home and or garden place should have them
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    Droopy Leaves?

    I managed to bring it down to 6.5 see if there is an improvement
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    Droopy Leaves?

    How do I know everything? because I live in a remote part of the world where all I can buy is local brand stuff... and because I tell you my soil is not compact, because the background of my pictures are blurred, since its in macro mode.... I dont think I need your help since your a dick. so...
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    Droopy Leaves?

    Seeds are from Colombia, and those lighting options are not an option for me and my location. And I live next to a rain forest, so I beleive the greenhouse gases given off of the rainforest, should compliment the heat, and humidty on the plant. But if you think it might be heat stress.. then I...
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    Droopy Leaves?

    Hey there have some droopy leaves, plants are 3 weeks old I tested PH today tested 7.2. I water every 2-3 days (Bottled Water @ ph7) 10 Gallon Pot This started about 4 days ago, the bigger plant wasnt so bad, the smaller one was a little worse I watered both of fear of underwater and the...
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    New Growth drooping low, what the hell?

    Iam also having a similar problem with one of my plants would be interested to know what is causing this.. Iam growing on a balcony.. and I fear it might be due to lack of light
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    Growing against all odds?

    Was thinking of bringing the plants in to a small MegaMan Plant lamp (all I could find) for 5 hours a day at the end of each day since only 12 hours of light here and I know 18 is suggested during veg... I am not sure if this good idea or bad idea, I tried doing some research on here, about...
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    Growing against all odds?

    So Iam growing for the first time ever, Iam currently residing in Panama South America, right next to a rain forest. Temps Range from 75-100F+ everyday Humidty ranges from 50-80% everyday Iam growing on my balcony and they only receive 3-4 hours of direct sunlight every day I used some local...
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    White Spots on Base of Plant?

    I have these odd spots on the base of the plant, they seem to look as if they are growing in some form, the plant itself looks healthy and growing big, but these spots worry me, any ideas what this is? Plant is grown outside on my blacony dont think its any pests though. The plant is also Two...