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  1. backyardwarrior

    is this a ball?

    I went out and looked today. Its growing another weird ball at the same node but opposite side. I looked at another plant that has pistols and theres one weird lookin spot that has hairs so im stumped at the moment. In gonna go try and take better pics
  2. backyardwarrior

    Most Sativa Dominant Strain Available in US?

    Id be willing to try em
  3. backyardwarrior

    gettin jiggy early this year

    At dusk i move my plants into the garage under a 400w hps for a few hours. Only tonight and last night as i just started it but been slowly raising the time. Shut em off at 10pm last night and 1030 tonight. Then i move em back outside. My stress right now is that by the time these are big...
  4. backyardwarrior

    cmh and hps question

    Sorry if i sound stupid the hood will work with a hps and hps ballast right? I'm mainly lookin for a hood. For 50 bucks il take it all.tho
  5. backyardwarrior

    cmh and hps question

    So it can run a hps if its a newer one?
  6. backyardwarrior

    cmh and hps question

    Whats the diff between a400 and a 315w cmh? So hes bullshitting about it being able to ignite a hps?
  7. backyardwarrior

    is this a ball?

    I left it il look again tomorrow but its sketchy lookin
  8. backyardwarrior

    cmh and hps question

    I have a guy with this for sale He said u can use a cmh or hps bulb on it...that correct? Would u guys buy it for 50? Light ballast cooltube?
  9. backyardwarrior

    is this a ball?

    Hard to get a good pic
  10. backyardwarrior

    is this a ball?

    Lookin at one of my plants it has this strange growth at a mid node. It has pistols higher up so if anything it's a herm
  11. backyardwarrior

    gettin jiggy early this year

    Update! All seedlings in solo cups now in 1gal containers. The rest are starting to throw pistols but i don't want them to flower so tiny! Plants in flower lookin good too!
  12. backyardwarrior

    gettin jiggy early this year

    Seedling that i fimmed now has 3 mains
  13. backyardwarrior

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    How far into flower is that Alaskan
  14. backyardwarrior

    Electricity concerns..

    I would say that the moment you connect electricity up you use everything ya got so it looks normal without a huge spike in usage But I'm stoned as fuk idk
  15. backyardwarrior

    What will shade do to my grow?

    Shade won't stop it from flowering. If anything it would help. I had my outdoor plants in a spot last fall where they were shaded after 3pm or so and came out bomb
  16. backyardwarrior

    Anybody want to go on a field trip?

    Right on bro
  17. backyardwarrior

    Plants in wind storm

    Keep em low and next to a fence that blocks wind. Worked for mine
  18. backyardwarrior

    gettin jiggy early this year

    Family photo today the rains forced me back into the garage doorway. Still lookin good slow growing but hasnt been too much sun either