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  1. BudMcLovin

    Where Is The PROOF That The Conservative Agenda Works?

    "The rich keep doing the things that make them rich and the poor keep doing the things that make them poor". I can't remember who said it but it wasn't me. How about we offer economic and finance classes to the poor instead of a check?
  2. BudMcLovin

    More Freedom Loving Lefties On The March

    I’m not against paying taxes. I have no problem paying taxes for infrastructure. It benefits society as a whole. I have a problem when government creates a system to work one group of individuals against another, which is what the tax system does. Sure there are a few people who...
  3. BudMcLovin

    Where Is The PROOF That The Conservative Agenda Works?

    If Warren Buffet wants to pay more in taxes no one is stopping him. So why doesn’t he? Does that “poor” mother on WIC have a cell phone or cable tv? Does she pay any federal income taxes? Why should the rest of society be force to pay for a child she couldn’t afford to have? Does she work 2...
  4. BudMcLovin

    More Freedom Loving Lefties On The March

    But people aren’t smart enough to make decision for their selves. They need government to tell them what to do. The sooner the rest of us poor blind fools that believe in personal freedom and responsibility figure that out the sooner the holier than thaw progressives can get on with making...
  5. BudMcLovin

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    Here’s The Wall Street Journal’s take on Obama’s speech. "We ask because President Obama's extraordinary response to Paul Ryan's budget yesterday—with its blistering partisanship and multiple distortions—was the kind Presidents usually outsource to some junior...
  6. BudMcLovin

    Where Is The PROOF That The Conservative Agenda Works?

    How much do you think is their fair share? How much should the government be allowed to take from one person? How about making the lowest 40% of income earners to pay something, anything toward federal income taxes? How about $1 a year, is that too much? How is it fair they pay nothing in...
  7. BudMcLovin

    More Freedom Loving Lefties On The March

    My guess game consoles and computers keep children sitting on their ass these days.
  8. BudMcLovin

    The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

    It boils down to your prospective. If you’re a big government supporter, Obama’s your man till the end because he defaults to government for the answer to problems. If you smaller government and believe in personal responsibility then Obama’s not for you. My problem with...
  9. BudMcLovin

    Why Fox News Let Glenn Beck Go ?

    Beck's an entertainer like most host on cable news channels. Glen Beck, Sean Hannity, Chris Mathews, Joe Scarborough, etc… take your pick, they are all entertainers first newsmen second. Even my local news has a slant. Why is anyone surprised by this? People are biased big deal. All you can do...
  10. BudMcLovin

    Hey Canada, Your Fucked

    Your right man I just find that kind of stuff disgusting and it has no place in a civil discussion. Sometimes I have a knee jerk reaction to that crap.
  11. BudMcLovin

    Hey Canada, Your Fucked

    Yea it’s real funny to make fun of victims of molestation. Do you feel like a big man? It makes no difference if I was molested or not. I think it’s a sick fuck that uses it to make political examples and an even more pathetic loser to enjoy the thought of someone being molested.
  12. BudMcLovin

    Hey Canada, Your Fucked

    Seriously do you think before you open your mouth? Please tell me how conservatism is worse than child molestation you stupid fuck without some liberal generalization. The left talks about hate speech well your comment is the embodiment of it. Let your child get violated and we’ll see if...
  13. BudMcLovin

    The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

    Mixing bluegrass with poitics + rep man. That’s awesome , I’ll be laughing all day on that one.
  14. BudMcLovin

    The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

    And it’s been a fun little debate. Thanks! We’ll have to continue later man. I got focus on my law homework for the next few hours.
  15. BudMcLovin

    The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

    No because at the end of the day taxes are for raising revenue not making life fair for someone who hasn’t made themselves as valuable to the market place. No one made a man work 30 years in a factory or digging ditches or sitting on their fat ass doing nothing. Life isn’t fair and...
  16. BudMcLovin

    The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

    Time is money. The government takes your time by taking your money. Now if you want to change from a money based tax system to a time based one I’ll go hour for hour. Until that happens money is used as a replacement of our time. Why then should a man punished because he is more efficient...
  17. BudMcLovin

    Government Shutdown, Who Gets The Blame?

    Yea that was really an endorsement. Develop some reading comprehension skills then read it again. Enjoy your life of ignorance.
  18. BudMcLovin

    The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

    So a man spending his time to acquire new skills should count for nothing? Because society is willing to pay them more because they took the time, they should be punished for that. No that’s not the way it should be. It is an individual responsibility to better your situation and if you...
  19. BudMcLovin

    Government Shutdown, Who Gets The Blame?

    Do you release just how offensive and dumb you sound? Educate yourself on what the Nazis actually stood for and did before you start name calling.
  20. BudMcLovin

    Government Shutdown, Who Gets The Blame?

    Dude it’s both parties wake up. The dems had a majority in both houses and a dem Pres and guess what it’s still illegal.