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  1. T

    First Hydro/Aeroponic Grow. Need Experienced Growers Suggestions!

    and they are also on 24/0 now again
  2. T

    First Hydro/Aeroponic Grow. Need Experienced Growers Suggestions!

    Updated pictures today. The air conditioner now keeps the room 79-81 degrees at all times :D One got nutrient burn when swapping out water, long story.. but it seems to be recouping now. It was a small one anyways. How much longer do you all think before flowering? Ive read 2-4 weeks and 4 weeks...
  3. T

    First Hydro/Aeroponic Grow. Need Experienced Growers Suggestions!

    Went and purchased another AC an hour ago... Soooooo much better! This is my first grow and everyday I am amazed by how much they have shot up. Hydro and aeroponics produce unbelievable results. I have read in some places to veg 24/0 and I have also read that anything above 18/6 doesn't really...
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    First Hydro/Aeroponic Grow. Need Experienced Growers Suggestions!

    I am growing in a spare bathroom I have. The way the ventilation is designed in this house is pretty shitty, that bathroom doesnt get really any flow through it. I am still trying to improve the cooling there and dont know what ill eventually come up with. Having to use ice at the moment (which...
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    First Hydro/Aeroponic Grow. Need Experienced Growers Suggestions!

    I meant to put a "switchable" ballast but i was in a hurry when i typed that. Do the pictures I have look like i havent read anything? I have studied and studied this shit for probably a month and a half now reading for hours every night. I know your an expert that enjoys belittling everyone...
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    First Hydro/Aeroponic Grow. Need Experienced Growers Suggestions!

    thanks so much for your responses, but i was wondering, what is a ballast and do i need one?
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    First Hydro/Aeroponic Grow. Need Experienced Growers Suggestions!

    What kind and wattage of light do you recommend for what I have right now?
  8. T

    First Hydro/Aeroponic Grow. Need Experienced Growers Suggestions!

    These plants are about 14-18 days old right now. I had to start these from seeds. I am running the Flora series nutrients with 1.5 cups of Gro, 1 cup Micro, 0.5 cup Bloom on initially a 30 gallon reservoir. I have since drained about 5 gallons of water out since they have developed long...
  9. T

    First Hydro/Aeroponic Grow: Need Experienced growers Suggestions!

    These plants are about 14-18 days old right now. I had to start these from seeds. I am running the Flora series nutrients with 1.5 cups of Gro, 1 cup Micro, 0.5 cup Bloom on initially a 30 gallon reservoir. I have since drained about 5 gallons of water out since they have developed long roots...