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  1. I

    how high should a 250w hps be from the little ones

    i grow with the same wattage i keep my light 12 inches above. my plants grow really well with it. u should do the same just make sure it doesnt go pass 80 degrees in your room. but your fine with that.
  2. I

    why would a plant stop growing but not deteriorate. at all

    I think it has to be a heat problem. The same thing happened to me and i also thought it was my small pots. i transplanted them into 3 gallons and theres was still no sign of growth. Then i checked the temp and it was around 85 degrees i dropped the temp to 75 degrees and it started growing...
  3. I

    seedling is dying i need help

    th pics are blurry cuz theyre from my phone but u can see the yellow tips and the curl cotycelon leaf
  4. I


    i order from dutch seeds i always get my seeds in about a week and half no problems and there prices are cheap
  5. I

    seedling is dying i need help

    I have a seedling, hes 2 weeks old hes fighting for his life cause hes not gdead yet. Well the problem is the cotycelon has turned yellow; one of the leave looks burnt at then end. it has 4 true marijuana leaves and now they are all curled down. they still have a nice green but the very tips...